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When we first met, I stressed the importance of my home’s historic nature and how I was concerned that my insurance company was not going to fully appreciate the expense it will take to repair my home. It was clear from our conversations, that you and your team appreciated the artistry of my home and the complexity of handling a claim of this nature. Now that my claim has reached its conclusion, I am extremely happy that I retained The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to handle my loss. Your team helped document the increased cost of plaster, the ornate trims, and the Victorian features that is unique to my house. Additionally, your team documented my personal property with meticulous detail allowing me to recover all of the monies that was due to me under my policy. With retrospect, hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was an excellent decision. I couldn’t have done it without the support of you, Clay Gibson, and the team at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

One of the better decisions we have made was when we took your call and signed on with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, shortly after the fire. Little did we know, at that time, how difficult it would be for us, as individuals, to prepare the detailed information, which the insurance co. would require. Part of what else we didn’t understand was that the whole experience of losing our home and all of our treasured possessions was extremely emotional and stressful. In comes The Greenspan Co./Adjuster's Internationall, and due to the efforts and professionalism of your people, we found the process more tolerable. We would recommend to anyone who may have a disaster similar to ours to retain, as soon as it is possible, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and relieve much of their pain going forward in the process.

It was quickly apparent that the insurance company was not interested in what was best of us. They were only interested in paying as little as possible. We are confident that without you we would not have recovered as much as we did. You were able to identify the deficiencies in the insurance company’s building estimate which resulted in an additional payment of almost twice the proposed amount. Your expert negotiating abilities coupled with your attention to detail and persistent follow up assured the claim would be settled for a fair amount. You left no stone unturned.

Thank you for your diligence on behalf of these clients… It has, indeed, been a pleasurable experience.

Dick Strange Insurance

The harm caused to me and my family due to the insurance company's procrastination and unnecessary harassment has been devastating! The damage done to our business reputation has been extremely painful and costly. Thank you again for all your help. Our company is extremely grateful for the efforts of both you and Mr. Glenister.

Joseph J. Lal, President and CEO
Golden Corral / Ashman Foods
Jaar Foods / Raaj Foods

Our construction team had little experience related to fire restoration and Bill’s experience and knowledge helped to save time and money. Thanks in part to Bill’s guidance, we were able to open the remainder of Santana Row on November 7, 2002, less than three months after the devastating fire...With Bill at the property, our development, marketing, and operations personnel were able to use Bill as the “go-to” person with any questions relating to the fire insurance claim. This allowed our staff to focus on getting the project open and operating, rather than worry about the insurance claim...Finally, Bill was an enormous resource and advocate in our claim with the insurance company. Bill’s vast experience, advice, and daily commitment were extremely valuable in our effort to finalize the insurance claim for Federal Realty Investment Trust. Without Bill and the rest of the team, I am confident we would not have been able to resolve this $125 million plus negotiation in less than 14 months, an enormously fast timetable for a claim of this size.

Strategic Transactions
Federal Realty Investment Trust

The patience and expertise your group offered us processing all the paperwork, both for our company losses and personal losses, made a most difficult task more manageable, not to mention helping us keep our sanity.

Brenda J. McDaniel, Director of Risk
Arden Group, Inc. were extremely helpful in handling the claims on behalf of the Client, from reviewing the policies, attending site inspections with the insurer's experts, attending meetings with the Client and assisting in quantifying the actual and potential losses. Your team conducted themselves with extreme diligence, integrity and absolute professionalism. With the assistance and guidance of these professionals, Mauna Kea Resorts reached an amicable resolution with the insurer.

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