All Testimonials

…With the assistance of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International I was able to pick up the pieces and continue running my business without the headache of having to deal with insurance issues. You handled our case with tremendous expertise and were able to get us a phenomenal settlement.

M. A. R.’s Engineering Company, Inc.

Not only are we pleased with the financial results, but I also want to commend you on the professional way that you conducted the investigation and subsequent negotiation. You kept us informed every step of the way. You periodically requested information of us but we never felt put upon in any way. It was very comfortable to know that someone with your expertise was conducting this matter while we tended to our day-to-day business challenges.

Keepers International

Had we tried to handle the matter ourselves, I can truthfully say that it would not have been resolved as quickly or as satisfactorily. Company management was stretched to the limit in rebuilding the cold storage facility in time for the early season and the added burden of attempting to adjust our own claim would have caused one or both projects to suffer. Even given the time to adjust our own claim, we do not possess the expertise. We are table grape growers, not claims adjusters. We thus make you this proposition: if you promise to stay out of the table grape business, we will stay out of the claims adjusting business.

Richard A. Scearcy, Controller
Stephen Pavich & Sons

On September 15, 2014, our family home burned to the ground. It’s hard to fathom and doesn’t really begin to sink in until you notify your insurance company. Your head spins and you’re not sure where to begin. The professionalism by all The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was truly appreciated!

Prior to the Association's hiring your firm to adjust our property claim, Farmers Insurance had offered us a settlement of $12.5 million. We knew this sum was insufficient but we never realized how much until The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International settled our claim within eight months for $27 million. Ken, you were tenacious in dealing with Farmers. You documented all discussions with Farmers personnel, detailed damages down to the penny and left no rock unturned. You kept the Board of Directors informed on a weekly basis, and were of assistance to us in other, related matters as well. Your expertise and that of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International were invaluable...

John Fochtman, Association President
Rockpointe Homeowners Association Inc.

As you know, the fire damage at our Fresno High School was extensive in terms of physical impact, costs ($2.3 million) and subsequent issues related to DSA, mold, and ADA concerns. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International did an admirable job in keeping the claim on track and aggressively pursuing all claim dollars we believed were entitled to us.... As a result of your personal perseverance, ability to decipher reports and preparation of supporting documentation, you were able to fully and accurately present our claim in the most positive manner. Your attention to detail was key in allowing us to secure an additional $900,000 above what was originally estimated for the claim.

Director-Benefits & Risk Management
Fresno Unified School District

Without the expertise of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team we would have been at a definite disadvantage in getting a fair settlement. The thoroughness in which you approached every small detail, the bringing in of an outside appraiser at your own cost to assure our equipment was valued properly, are just two examples of the truly professional job done by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

Richard F. Otto
Ticorm, Inc.

There is just too much that we didn’t know regarding our rights under the insurance coverage… Your knowledge, persistence, and contacts were what helped us received a settlement that was appropriate. I truly appreciated your follow through and keeping me current on the issues. Both claims were tricky, and it was The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s understanding of the real nature of events, and your method of presentation to the carrier that prevailed.

Susan Aumiller, Controller
MBA Polymers, Inc.
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