All Testimonials

Your firm accomplished, what would normally be considered 'impossible in Hawaii,' in the most 'EXPERT' manner Hawaii has ever seen…The documentation and presentation of the claims were complete and presented to the Insurance Carrier's Adjuster and settlements agreed upon within a matter of days. The expertise of your firm has saved Pacific Terrazo & Tile Corporation et al thousands of dollars and paid your fee many times over.

Pacific Terrazzo & Tile Corporation

Even though I consider myself a prudent Risk Manager, there are so many details that you thought of that we didn't. Your calculation of the business interruption portion of our loss was by far more accurate and advantageous to our bottom line than any number our accounting department came up with…I was especially appreciative of the manner in which you negotiated with the insurance company adjuster. As you know, we have an ongoing relationship with our carriers, and rather than creating an adversarial relationship with Kemper's adjuster, you immediately initiated a 'team' concept, which certainly inured to our benefit.

Nola Grayback, Risk Manager
Rickel Home Centers

Mr. Greenspan did an outstanding job in coordinating the disposition of the damaged property and presenting the claims to the insurance companies. His fee was nominal compared to the recoveries obtained through his adjusting expertise.

There are so many things to deal with after a disaster of this kind that it is impossible to stay on top of everything. As a result of your good offices, I really didn't have to deal with or worry about the fire insurance claim process. You handled all problems along the way and very quickly brought the process to a most satisfactory conclusion. I could not have asked more from your organization…This is in no way to denigrate the services of our insurance broker, who was very helpful and supportive. But you do provide an important added service at a time of crisis.

Rainier Cold Storage & Ice

We greatly appreciate your professionalism, knowledge, and experience that have assisted us in the preparation of the claim and through our recent negotiations with the insurance carriers. It is clear to us that without your involvement we would not have received the 'fair' settlement that was concluded in December. The team you assembled (Gary Johnson, Jim Warren, and Paul Migdal) brought extensive experience to the table during a time when it was critical. Without this experience, we would not have been able to make it through the catastrophe in the manner we did.

Nitze-Stagen & Co., Inc.
The Starbucks Building

My area of specialty is in dentistry, not in dealing with insurance companies. Insurance companies are in the business to make money, not to help out the Insured. Your knowledge, help, caring and expertise in adjusting the losses, both property and business interruption far surpassed my expectations.

Time and again you had the creative solution, the tough negotiating point, or the quick response necessary to keep our insurance claim on track with the insurance adjusters. I am convinced that without your unflagging enthusiasm for this claim we would not have settled as quickly, nor for as much as we ultimately did.

The Pillsbury Company

Your technical expertise and knowledge have proven invaluable in terms of advising us of our rights under the policy, ascertaining the dollar values of the losses, and negotiating equitable settlements.

Carriage Industries
824 of 2430