All Testimonials

Navigating through the fine detail points of an insurance claim proved far more complex than I would have ever imagined. In hindsight I know I would have definitely struggled and ultimately lost money, had I tried to go it alone. The insurance company and their consultants are experts in the field of insurance claims. The insured is not. I would have been at a huge disadvantage had it not been for your help. The bottom line is your services are valuable and in my view necessary.

Faced with the awesome task of recovering from the fire that had just destroyed our headquarters building, the last thing I wanted to do was spend all my time documenting each and every item we lost and then arguing with the insurance company adjusters over the coverage. As a result, my chairman and I quickly agreed that getting the association up and running again would require all my time and that the documentation of our losses should, if possible, be left to others…The professionalism I experienced with your firm prompted me to overcome my initial reservations. That turned out to be a great decision as all the people at Adjusters International conducted themselves professionally and delivered very high quality products. You saved me untold hours and aggravation and saved the association a lot of money.

National Lumber and Building Material
Dealers Association

I know without you, I could not have gotten a settlement with U.S.F.&G. to recover almost all the losses. I think also your cost were reasonable for the job you performed.

Rock Creek Mine Resort Beartooth Lodge

Your staff relieved our own personnel of having to spend many hours learning our ways through the complicated adjustment process.

I must compliment your company on its knowledge, resources, and experience, especially acknowledging Mr. Mirsky's expertise, in making two completely disruptive and demoralizing experiences into livable, bearable times for my family and me.

Turmoil and confusion always seem to follow disaster and our situation was no different. However, due to the efforts and efficiency of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International our insurance settlement was satisfactory and in retrospect it's obvious that we could not have accomplished the same good results that you achieved.

World for Women/Word for Men Health
Clubs and Spas

The team you assembled from The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International was spectacular…You fought the insurance company’s tactics of denying and delaying payments for items that were covered under the policy...Without your help I would not have recovered almost three times the amount originally offered by the insurance company...Your fee was money well spent.

Colonade Apartments

You were there with compassion, understanding, and the best analytical mind for business and figures that we ever encountered…Having you and your company served as the light of our church going thru the tunnel of destruction and devastation that surrounded us. Your company serves as a constant reminder that right, honest, truth, perseverance and brain power of the individual still survives, exists and wins in the American Way of today's business.

First Samoan Congregational Christian
Church of Oakland

Your kindness and consideration of all matters…is very much appreciated. I have told my business office to call you in the future should any of their clients need your help.

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