All Testimonials

I tried to handle the claim myself with my own insurance company. I figured, "how hard could it be?" What a surprise when my own carrier tried to offer me what was tantamount to twenty cents on the dollar.

Powell Electric

It is most unusual when a client does not have to keep calling and being put off to hear what is going on. You have been more than helpful, more than ambitious and exceedingly knowledgeable. We also cannot believe that you have come up with such an excellent settlement of our claim in such a short period of time.

Margaret Wagner
Eaters Digest Deli-Restaurant

Of all the financial decisions I have had to make in my life (and there have been plenty), hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was one of the best.

Norstar Financial & Insurance Services

It has been a pleasure working with you, a CPA, master strategist and businessman. It is rare to encounter all of these traits in one person, but they were critical to preparing the successful $10+ million settlement we received on our property and business interruption claim. With this settlement behind us, we are confident that the company is headed in the right direction.

You responded to our call for help in record time, brought with you a team of professionals to immediately start the process of cleaning the sites, supervising the handling of inventories, and ultimately making the process of preparation of the claim more manageable. Your guidance for preparing all the documentation submitted to the insurance company and your active negotiation of settlement of the claim was exemplary.

Kronfli Spundale Mills, Inc.

...While the memories of the 100-year old Mon Desire historic restaurant that fed so many, hosted innumerable dignitaries, weddings, rehearsals dinners and special parties is gone your efforts to make the insurance company pay what it owed is not forgotten…You got us more than what we could have ever gotten from the insurance company. The fees-a bargain in terms of the result.

Your knowledge of the insurance industry helped ease the burden of this tragic loss and your thoroughness insured my receiving full compensation. Your adjusters provided us with the necessary 'tools' needed for quick and professional recovery.

J&R Film Company, Inc.

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International took the stress out of my hands and took charge of all that needed to be done. I saw first-hand how you very adeptly navigated my claim through the complex world of insurance always staying two steps ahead of the adjuster. Ultimately, the settlement achieved by your efforts was almost 2.5 times the initial offer. I am glad I had you on my side. I could not have done it alone.

Guarantee Mortgage
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