All Testimonials

The settlement was beyond my expectations and almost three times what we thought it would be…I knew there were going to be numerous issues. Co-insurance penalties was a huge problem as my insurance company tried to reduce the amount of money it owed by claiming I did not adequately insure the building. There were attorneys, contractors, fire department folks, investigators, ATF, and numerous other entities that were involved in this claim. Your team dealt with them and the army of insurance consultants very well. You got the best result and your effort to negotiate the coinsurance, depreciation, and extra expense up front was excellent…I recovered much more than I ever thought I could have on my own. I paid almost $200,000 in fees for your services. It was worth every cent in terms of the service received. There is no way I could have negotiated the settlement you did.

Red Mountain JV

You provided a great service to us in analyzing, assembling and presenting our claim and obtaining a settlement that exceeded our expectations...Your fee was more than earned.

Calvin C. Collins Revocable Trust
Juanita I. Collins Revocable Trust

Your diligence, attention to detail, knowledge of our policy and expansive experience in this complex business was directly responsible for receipt of proceeds exceeding our expectations. Thanks to your expert advice and assistance, we were able to cover our extra expenses, fund the re-opening of operations and maintain our budgeted level of revenues.

Your assistance and the competence of your Company relieved us of a tremendous amount of heartache at a time when our lives were in a state of chaos.

Walsh Construction Co., Inc.

...With the help of Paul and Chris we were able to collect $660,000.00 of business and property losses. I can truly say that without the help of your staff we would not be in business today…Gentlemen, thank you for all your time, effort and professionalism you expressed as well as all the kind words and encouragement you provided throughout the time we worked together.

In the months that followed, it became clear that you are indeed knowledgeable about insurance processes. In addition, you have a keen sense of strategy, and highly effective people skills. You patiently shared your strengths with us and for that we are deeply grateful. We’ve often commented to friends, “When we have our taxes done, we hire a professional”. Now we are in a situation that we have never before experienced, so we are hiring a professional to guide us in our claim… Beyond your expertise, you gave us your friendship. You were always there for us, let us in a window of your own family life and “held our hands” when that was that was most needed.

Fred & Ceil Sharman

Their expertise and perseverance enabled us to collect more than twice the amount originally offered by the insurance company's representatives. As you may be aware, we had not experienced a loss before and were reluctant to use a public adjuster. Shortly after we submitted our claim, we found that we were on the receiving end of numerous faxes and requests for additional information from the insurance company accountants. We were lulled into believing that our cooperation in providing the information would result in a fair settlement offer. Needless to say, we were shocked to discover many months later that the insurance company's settlement offer was less than half of our actual loss…Your team immediately went to work by guiding us in gathering information that would enable us to overcome our setback. Their comprehensive analysis of the report, meticulous review of the additional documents, and presentation of our claim enabled us to achieve a settlement far greater than our expectations. They also saved us many hours of valuable time and aggravation.

Kuk Rim U.S.A., Inc.

We have used Adjusters International on four separate occasions and have been impressed with their timeliness, professionalism, technical expertise and follow through.

Chief Executive Officer
Northwest Lodging, Inc.
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