All Testimonials

Your professionalism and expediency with respect to this claim, with the added complication of us only named additionally insured, highlights even more your company's ability to perform.

You are the brightest, sharpest and the best adjuster I have come across. You handle everything in the most professional manner. You know how to work with your crew to achieve the best results and you know how to overcome barriers during the adjustment process. You are also well versed with numbers. Overall, you are the best at your job.

Parham Partielli, Director Property
Development and Financing
Development and Financing

The adjustment of our major hail storm claim would have been much more challenging without the dedicated involvement of Adjusters International. You proved to me the importance of “showing the other side the damage,” and the value of your knowledge and expertise. The settlement that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International helped us to realize was certainly more favorable than what we expected. I appreciate that we were able to focus on our core business while we let your team handle the tedious details of our claim.

I've felt that we have been a working partnership. Initially I believed that the insurance company and I could come to a quick and fair settlement, but one meeting with their adjuster convinced me otherwise…The firm took pains to be thorough, careful-and patient-in setting out the scope of loss. You, and the people who worked with you…were unfailingly professional…You were always available on very short notice, whether for a bit of handholding…or with a quick response to my concerns, as we proceeded though the process. Even if I had been able to reach an identical dollar settlement with TIG on my own and without dispute, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's services would have been well worth the cost...During those months of stress and uncertainty, your quiet and confident assurance, your willingness to seek out expert legal advice on a matter that might have gone to court, and your capacity for effective negotiation both eased the strain and, in the end, produced a settlement with TIG that seems eminently reasonable and fair.

University of California, Berkeley

I must say that at first I was uncertain about hiring our own adjusting company, but having had the pleasant experience of working with you has given me the insight as to how very important your assistance was. You presented yourselves in a very professional manner and have been very thorough in compiling information for the insurance company. I am certain that your assistance has not only saved me many hours of labor and frustration but has also saved me many dollars in compiling information which I might have overlooked in determining our actual losses.

Hoffman Paint Co., Inc.

…your experience and expertise was immensely helpful in preparing my claim. The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International team of professionals guided me through the Building, Business Personal Property and Loss of Business Income portions of my claim. I had no idea what a battle it would be to collect my benefits owed to me under my insurance policy…Without you on my side, I doubt I would have collected even half of my proceeds.

Mejor Precio

Time and again you had the creative solution, the tough negotiating point, or the quick response necessary to keep our insurance claim on track with the insurance adjusters. I am convinced that without your unflagging enthusiasm for this claim we would not have settled as quickly, nor for as much as we ultimately did.

The Pillsbury Company

Prag House is an 8,000 square foot, three story structure with a full basement. Between the fire and the 25,000 gallons of water necessary to put it out, every floor and the basement sustained significant damage. How could we possibly embark on the steep learning curve required to responsibly oversee this work, while also working our full time jobs and fulfilling family obligations? We had dozens of questions and no answers. Frankly, none of us had ever heard of public adjusters. But after meeting with The Greenspan Co./Adjuster's International team to understand what they could do for us, and doing some research on different public adjuster firms, we decided to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjuster's International. It was, hands down, the best decision we could have made! Drew and The Greenspan Co./Adjuster's International team are extremely knowledgeable about the complex insurance laws and practices that most of us know little or nothing about – and yet can prove to be the most critical factor driving everything else. Bottom line: Hiring a public adjuster firm may seem expensive, especially in the initial hours and days after such a life-altering event, when money is tight and it’s hard to know how much anything will cost. It may be tempting to think it’s not really necessary. But if you hire the right public adjuster, it will be the best decision you make! The Greenspan Co./Adjuster's International was worth every penny we paid them!

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