All Testimonials

...Your skilled team of experienced adjusters and accountants immediately sorted through a voluminous amount of our financial records. You accurately defined the economic impact of this incident to include every detail of our compensable extra expenses and related labor and material efficiencies. We were able to maintain our production/shipment schedule and Adjusters International was able to identify income/extra expense losses that were overlooked by all other parties involved. Through the great detail and negotiating skills of your firm, we were able to expedite a settlement, which was absolutely in accordance with your documentation.

It was clear that we had two tasks ahead of us, both of which seemed enormous from our perspective. One was the reconstruction of our facility and the research programs it supported, and the other was the insurance claims that we would have to handle. Fortunately for us, we received a referral to your firm and agreed to retain you. As I look back at all the things the insurance companies tried to do during the adjustment process to avoid paying the claims, I can only imagine how the claims would have been handled had we not had you as our advocate, our ally, and our spokesperson. Your belief in our claim, your unwavering support of our institution, your skills, your tenacity, and your determination clearly inured to our benefit and ultimately fostered a settlement that was beyond our expectations.

Harbor Branch, Oceanographic Institution

Had we not engaged your services, I am sure our insurance company would have most probably only paid less than half of what your firm recovered for us…What could have been a horrible nightmare has truly been a pleasurable experience!

My first introduction to your profession was when I was standing in the charred remains of our 11,000 square foot building that housed over 50 employees and was contemplating appropriate actions. At first I elected to proceed on my own with our insurance agent, but within a few days it was obvious that this would be a disaster. It would have taken an inordinate amount of time, during which I wouldn't be able to run my business, and I suspected that I would also be at a severe disadvantage negotiating an insurance settlement, for the very first time, with someone who does this every day, and has for thirty years. Although I may have been more work for you than a passive client might have been, I feel that our discussions yielded a fair settlement. I appreciate the personalized service that accommodated our situation and my temperament.

Marc Kloner

Without your help, we would not have gotten the settlement we received…You and your company have been a godsend to us.

The Second Samoan Congregational United
Church of Christ

Thanks to Mr. Elkman's guidance, support and calming influence, I was able to cope with the job of re-building my company. It's difficult to watch such a very large part of your life go up in smoke. Trying to cope with the fire, employee concerns, cleaning up debris, living up to financial commitments and fighting with the insurance company was far more stress than I needed in my life.

Fourth Dimension Work Systems, Inc.

Because of our lack of knowledge in handling a claim of this nature, we felt it imperative to employ the assistance of professionals in the field of processing a claim... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International had the best interest of IOTA in mind, capturing items that we, as novices in a destruction of this magnitude, would never have thought could be made a part of the claim. They were able to assist us with knowing in which category particular losses should be placed to gain the most advantage in recovering as much as possible of what was destroyed. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International demonstrated professionalism in every aspect of our dealings, treating us with courtesy and understanding, which at a time of loss such as this, was greatly appreciated. We are grateful for the manner in which The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International came in and took over the claim for losses, leaving the management and employees of IOTA to focus on continuing our business efforts with as little business interruption as possible.

Needless to say, your professionalism, as well as your team's, was apparent throughout your handling of the settlement and we believe as a result of it we were able to maximize the coverage.

Imperial Toy Corporation
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