All Testimonials

What can I say except that without your involvement, we would have never collected the proceeds we received for our building, personal property and extra expense claims…With respect to the personal property claim, you did a superb job in documenting all of the books, school papers, furniture, equipment and supplies that were destroyed. We probably would have accepted a figure substantially less than what your office documented. More importantly, you were able to minimize the co-insurance penalty and depreciation that would have applied had we tried to handle this portion of the loss by ourselves…Through your efforts, we were able to substantially upgrade the classrooms that were destroyed in the fire. More importantly, we now have four additional classrooms from your negotiation efforts under our extra expense claim…You certainly alleviated a lot of the burden off of my shoulders and my staff in handling this claim.

A Gifted Education, Inc.

The State Bar had a fire loss on October 5, 1986 in Los Angeles... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was highly recommended and we engaged them to be our representative. The fire loss was originally estimated at $500-600,000. It has been settled at over $1 million. It is only due to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's diligence, attention to detail and motivation to represent the client's best interest that the amount collected reached this mark.

The State Bar of California

A few days later I began to understand that we needed help, even though our insurance adjuster claimed we would be back in business within sixty days (what a joke)…We could not have done that well on our own, let alone all the work that was involved. We had a difficult case and you and your Company solved it for us.

Farmers Cold Storage & Freezers, Inc.

Our insurance company's first offer was $250,000. As a result of your hard work, tenacity, and unwillingness to give up, coupled with your years of experience and knowledge of 'the game', you were able to secure for us a settlement of $1,900,000. You and your team created and implemented a winning strategy. You did great.

We know that the task was laborious and tedious but he never wavered in seeking all the information that would favor our position. His relentless emphasis on discovery and detail permitted us to be adequately compensated under the terms and conditions of the insurance policy.

You did a masterful job interpreting our business interruption, loss of earnings, and contents claims. Without your guidance we would never have realized the financially advantageous resolution that we did. You dealt diplomatically and sensitively with representatives of our insurance company, and you always obtained partial payments when we needed them. You were always available for us and very congenial to work with.

Barbara and Fred Levinson
Bright Beginnings

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's knowledge and expertise in dealing with the insurance companies was invaluable.

Hixson Metal Finishing

I most certainly wish I had spoken to your company from the onset. Naively I believed that I could handle my case by myself. By the time I had spoken to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International the carrier had already requested information that they should not have. In giving them that information, it later came back to haunt me and made it a more difficult case for you to solve I am sure... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International came in and lifted an incredible burden off of my shoulders. This allowed me to focus once again on my practice, my patients, my family, and allowed me to help reduce my losses. In addition, there is no question in my mind that without you I would never have been able to obtain an equitable settlement with the insurance company. The insurance adjusters were very difficult which is something that also surprised me and that I would never have anticipated. I initially was apprehensive about speaking with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. When I saw that the owner of the building chose to utilize your services, I took great note.

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