All Testimonials

Many of us in the business world have grown to expect less from attorneys, CPA's, tax consultants and others calling themselves professionals. To me, professional means more than a title or working within a profession - it means results. Through your experience, determination and common sense you got results!

HTI-Hardisk Technology

We were completely at a loss as to how to proceed with the many problems and situations which arose when our building burned on Christmas night. Your sincere concern and expertise enabled us to realize the best settlement with our insurance people.

American Legion

In our continuing effort to identify for you the best supplies, equipment vendors, and service providers, we are pleased to introduce and recommend Adjusters International as the loss consulting/public adjusting endorsed vendor for Preferred Hotel Group...Please consider utilizing the services that Adjusters International provides; guiding you through the confusing and complex world of insurance claims. Adjusters International relieves you of the work, and some of the worry, so you can concentrate on getting your business back to normal.

John Ueberroth / Chariman and CEO / Preferred Hotel Group

We were advised and promised by your firm that you would assist us in the preparation and presentation of our claim and review of our policies to identify our areas of entitlement. Additionally, you assured us that you would maintain a comprehensive written dialog with the insurance company to insure that the accurate facts would be easily provable. You and your team of professionals have lived up to all the commitments you made. The commitment that you and your firm gave to China Basin Properties, Ltd., and the experience and creative thinking that you personally brought to this claim significantly added in the successful outcome of the adjustment. There is no question in my mind, that your analysis of the policy, your understanding of property adjustment and current law with respect to claims practices, and your formulation of a meaningful claim strategy ultimately allowed us to collect a recovery in excess of what the insurance company suggested. In spite of the Insurer's repeated attempts to intimidate and to disregard your well thought-out claim approach, your objectivity and your advice were invaluable to the settlement.

U. S. Oceanics, Inc.

We sincerely appreciate your skills and efforts in navigating us through all the problems and hurdles that the insurance company threw our way. First, you were instrumental in dealing with the tenants and their displacement. Second, your claim strategy and game plan for the mitigation efforts were well thought out and crafted towards a speedy recovery. Third, the team of experts you retained, including your construction consultant was a tremendous asset to our eventual settlement. Fourth, your interaction with our lender and diligence in following up to get their attorneys on track with our recovery was extremely helpful. Finally, the skills you and your team employed in negotiating with our insurance company and its army of consultants and adjusters resulted in a policy limits resolution.

Gastineau Apartments, LLC

You and your organization handled the claim promptly and very efficiently. You were also very polite and courteous in response to any questions that I had had. I would also like to thank you for bringing to my attention, additional coverage that I had at the time, but was not aware of.

L.A. Millal Church

You delivered a great result, and in the process you were superbly professional and always a gentleman.

After having gone through this tedious and exasperating process, I simply can't imagine having done this on my own with any comparable success. I'm sure your unique profession gets labeled as 'ambulance chasers,' but your input and expertise soon negates any doubt that you are true professionals in what you do.

Estes Park Trail Gazette
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