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Without a professional insurance counselor’s representation any company or individual is vulnerable to their own insurance carrier’s standards for settlement on a claim.

My home and all of its contents was either entirely destroyed or damaged beyond repair by the fire…To lose everything is, I think, by any reasonable measure, a deeply traumatic and incredibly stressful event. One is immediately made homeless, stripped of all measure of comfort and placed into what can only be described as extreme financial and emotional uncertainty…Having one’s day-to-day existence, as well as one’s future, thrust into the hands of a major corporation – insurance companies wield enormous control over the claims process – also is extremely stressful…I actually had never heard the term ‘public adjuster’ until I experienced the fire that destroyed my home…The workload, negotiations, process and technical requirements required by insurance companies in order for a homeowner to recoup a loss of this magnitude is nothing short of overwhelming. The average homeowner has neither the professional expertise nor training to work effectively on his/her own behalf to ensure he or she receives the full claim amount due under terms of the insurance policy…I can say with 100% confidence and knowledge that due to Jessica’s professional ability, intellectual capability and tenacity on my behalf, I received insurance reimbursement far beyond what I would have been able to achieve on my own…She was one of the most customer-focused service providers I have ever met…Every email or phone call I made to her was answered promptly. She also was incredibly patient, kind, and considerate to me on a personal level, offering emotional support for an event that was without a doubt one of the most difficult I have ever faced in my life. She was also an aggressive yet entirely ethical advocate on my behalf…As difficult as this process was, there is no doubt in my mind that the process would have lasted much longer and I would have endured much greater personal and financial hardship had I not had Jessica as my advocate. Jessica Bivens literally helped me reestablish my life.

There were two principal areas in which you excelled, they were - 'Communications' and 'Results.' I was informed timely by you or your associates during every step of the adjustment process. You always returned my calls within a reasonable period. The results were the checks received - an amount which without your assistance would probably have been significantly less.

Joseph S. Brown, Jr., Senior Vice President
Dupont Plaza Hotel, Inc.

Without your guidance and expertise, we could not have successfully met the challenges and requirements encountered with our insurers. Our decision to retain The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International proved to be one of the better business decisions we have made. It is certain that the benefits created by your supervision of our insurance claim far outweighed the costs of your services. Further, there is little doubt that the unique knowledge and skill brought by you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International could not be obtained elsewhere."

"Our property, Fashion Square Sherman Oaks suffered severe damage - running into tens of millions of dollars - during the Northridge Earthquake on January 17, 1994... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International does not come cheap, but in the final analysis they earned their fee many times over by successfully negotiating with the insurance companies resulting in the insurers paying over and above what one could hope to collect.

David Z. Burger AM, President
Fashion Square Sherman Oaks

“…thank you for the wonderful job you performed in the adjustment of our property loss on Judah Street.”

“We are now in a position to have available funds to redevelop the adjoining properties we own at the site. None of this would have resulted without your and The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International’s expertise.”

Skyline Realty Incorporated

The total payment, less the fee The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International clearly earned, makes for a very satisfactory conclusion to this mess...My recommendation of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is based on this conclusion: We would never have collected even half the amount finally paid without The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International keeping Farmers Insurance focused on the terms of the policy and reminding them that we were only asking them to do what the policy committed them to do. The final outcome is totally due to the two of you and your assistants who did what was needed by phone, mail, and coming to the property whenever Farmers or I wanted you there...Thanks for all your assistance in settling this claim and for holding Farmers to the letter of their policy. Without firms like The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to help there would be many more insured who would simply be short-changed. Fortunately, after locating The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International with a web search and getting through on Christmas Day; I am not one of the short-changed!

The whole experience was handled extremely efficient and swift, plus they got more from our Insurance than we would have gotten, because they have the knowledge of Insurance.

Times were most difficult for our entire family as we saw 25 years of hard work falling to the ground. From the time we acquired your services, until the close of the claim,… you gave us unbelievable attention and most positive results…You were continually in touch with our carrier and always kept us informed of the progress. You had to hurdle many obstacles along the way, such as a most 'unreasonable' adjuster, that did all he could to have our claim denied…And finally Randy, words cannot express our feelings to you. Your professional talent, advice, consoling and 'TRUE FRIENDSHIP' will never be forgotten.

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