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Were it not for the assertive stance delivered by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to my insurance carrier, I know the outcome would have been far less favorable. Aside from the financial attributes, which I recognize fully recovered the fees for your services, the heretofore unrecognized brutality of the insurance industry was minimized as well... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International always seemed to have multiple alternatives to offer me, based on extensive experience. In your line of work, experience is what counts.

Working with you and your staff made me realize that I would not have been as successful dealing with the insurance company alone. The process of settling an insurance claim was far more complex than I ever imagined. You are your staff provided the expertise needed to settle my claim equitably.

Yukimura's, Inc.

I cannot thank you enough for the results you got for me and also the short time it took you to achieve the wonderful results. Through your knowledge and creativity, you were not only able to get me a very good return for the damage, you were able to get the insurance company to allow me to keep the stock. This allowed me to have a successful sale and keep the doors open…The settlement you achieved for me was the most favorable for all concerned.

We renovated the Osborn Building in 1986 and had it added to the National Historic Registry. The fire was devastating and we were faced with losing all the tenants as well as the difficulties in repairing a historic building. Dave suggested that the insurance company would under-estimate the loss, as they did by over 50%. Having you direct the contractors as to what was necessary to repair the building, retaining an engineer on our behalf to identify the problems in reconstruction and providing a detailed breakdown of all the errors in the insurance company’s expert’s scope of repairs, resulted in a recovery of over twice what was initially offered. In the beginning we were concerned about the cost of your services. As it turned out this was the best decision we could have made. Without you, we would not have recovered as much as we did. In addition, you saved us the stress and time of doing the work. We can only suggest to others that are faced with a major insurance claim, that they retain The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International; it will be the best decision they ever made.

We had no idea of the complexity and diversity of the process involved in the settlement of a Builder's Risk claim, especially since we were 95 percent complete when the fire occurred, you and your people were able to make sense of our policy, put all the pieces together to make us whole, and put the owner at ease.

Jennison Construction Company

As one of the larger producers of garbanzo beans in The West, we pride ourselves in knowing everything there is to know about our craft. We also pride ourselves on knowing when someone else knows better. It’s not often that one’s expectations are exceeded. You exceeded our expectations. As far as the fire is concerned, our claim is settled, our storage capacity is double what it was, your fee was paid, and in essence, it cost us nothing. You are one of the best investments we ever made. And as far as the collapse is concerned, your meticulous, forensic approach to our claim caused the carrier to come to the table and change their offer from zero to almost $500,000. We can’t thank you enough for your efforts in our behalf.

As a property manager it has always been difficult dealing with these issues. Now that we have you to assist us with our claims we know there is no challenge we cannot face without confidence. You have become a feather in our cap that is invaluable as a property manager.

Drew Gibson, Manager

Although I was not involved in the decision to hire you, I can unequivocally state that you provided the professional guidance needed to adjust the settlement with the association's carriers. Your involvement with this Home Owner's Condominium Association necessarily included working with varying factions, whose concerns ranged from pure pettiness to personal aggrandizement, such that you were forced to deal with client problems, if you will, that I am sure greatly complicated your work. Only a professional in similar work could appreciate the difficulty I describe. Your even tempered ability to work with all of these factions, no matter how difficult or ill conceived, and to support the association in its claim in a professional manner, have left me with the highest regard for your abilities.

Gilliam Law Office
1144 of 2430