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Now after several months of never ending negotiating with the insurance company, we can honestly say that the decision to hire your company was one of the best decisions this board ever did. Thanks to your total dedication, professionalism and will, we can say that we are completely satisfied with the final settlement you were able to work out for our homeowners association. During the entire long and frustrating process that took place between your company in our behalf and the insurance company, your staff kept us informed of every detail, in a fast and very organized manner. Thanks to your dedication and commitment to us as clients, you kept me going, therefore I was able to maintain the full support of the owners to the end. The journey was difficult, even more difficult for us because after our claim was rejected the process to present a brand-new claim wasn't easy. But you passed with flying colors even though we were dealing with an insurance company that showed a lack of seriousness and professionalism in several occasions.

Asociacion de Condomines el Monte Norte

Though initially employed one year after the earthquake solely to prepare our business interruption claim, you suggested following your review of our insurance file that the measure of loss calculated on our building claim by our insurer was far less than what we were entitled to collect. We agreed to allow you to discuss the situation with our insurer which ultimately resulted in substantial dollars in excess of their previous loss calculation. Along with your excellent settlement on the business interruption claim, we could not have been happier. When we experienced our severe fire in Los Angeles, you responded on an expedite basis and, with the assistance and involvement of your Los Angeles office, gave us immediate and necessary advice as to inventory techniques, salvage agreements, emergency protection, building estimators, etc. that allowed our claim to be processed promptly and, ultimately, have our store reopen faster than initially expected. The dollar results of the adjustment were equally favorable to your previous representation of our firm, and, if need be, we would not hesitate to utilize your services in the future.

The National Dollar Stores, Ltd.

Your team was fabulous when it came to the details relating to the rebuilding the structure and accounting for a settlement from our insurance company. Your team is not only professional but also held our hand throughout the process. Each member of your team was meticulous when it came to the details. You were even able to get us reimbursed for the cost of the items required to meet the standard building codes. Not only were you on top of things, but you were able to negotiate us a settlement almost double what the insurance company had originally offered us.

The bottom line is that we simply could not have recovered from our disastrous fire without your professional assistance. Like most, I was initially skeptical of independent adjusters and at the time of the loss, I was positive I could go it alone. However, it soon became apparent that there would be no help forthcoming from my insurance carrier without prolonged negotiations on every issue. Turning those negations over to you allowed me to concentrate on returning my company to production and distribution. To those clients who will read this letter... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International knows more about the insurance industry than the average businessman. Let them battle as equals with your carrier... the relatively small commission paid to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was more than made up for by the eventual size of the claim I received. I estimated they doubled what I could have negotiated myself... their accountants prepared documents prepared documents with teeth for me. The time they spent preparing spreadsheets and quantitative evidence freed my staff to resume normal duties. Simply returning to production, handling personnel issues, and sustaining sales and accounts is overwhelming enough.

PolyFiber Aircraft Coatings

As I expressed to you when we agreed to have The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International represent our firm, Sun Dry needed a timely settlement and the maximum amount allowable under the terms of our policy. It pleases me to know that your firm exceeded our expectations on both accounts. In reviewing the final settlement I would conservatively estimate that the total payment we received, because of your expert knowledge and tenacious pursuit of a fair and equitable settlement, resulted in an additional fifty percent more than we would have obtained if we would have attempted to settle without your help.

Sun Dry Products, Inc.

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International have done an extraordinary job which was more than I expected. We had worked together so friendly over the few months, and this team has worked so hard to recover everything for our loss. Today, everyone in my family is so happy to return to our new home. I highly recommend the The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to be a representative for everyone who is looking for a public adjuster for the home accidental loss. I believe that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International has the experience and ability necessary to negotiate with the insurance company to bring every customer the best result.

The insurance company had their team of so called experts; therefore, I figured I needed my own! With the recommendation from a trusted associate, I hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to represent my interests and secure a fair settlement. As a business owner for over 40 years I can recognize value added and expertise. In the end I recovered roughly 32% more than what the insurance company originally offered. I was tremendously pleased with the results and was able to repair my building.

The problem now facing us was how do we run our business and get it back on its feed and deal with our insurance company at the same timeā€¦After making several calls to past clients of yours and knowing my sister had her fire claim handled by you, it was quite obvious at that point that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International would be our representativeā€¦.Arnie quickly reviewed our coverage and met with the insurance company adjuster. The adjuster was of the opinion that certain items were not covered and/or not covered at Selling Price. Arnie had different opinions and in the end our claim was settled in full and at Selling Price on all of the goods Arnie said should be settled that way.

General Furniture Design
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