All Testimonials

This has been a difficult process. It’s not every day your business catches fire. Without experience in dealing with this kind of matter, I never would have been able to recover the costs from the insurance company that we have. Because of your professionalism and expeditious manner we have come through this and our Sacramento store is back in operation.

Windsor Fashions

The fee paid to Adjusters was well worth it. The knowledge had by the team at Adjusters is unbeatable. This is a company who sets out to protect its clients' interest and that is exactly what they did…Because Adjusters dealt with the insurance adjusters, we had little disruption to our daily running of our business and all dealings with the insurance claim was handled by Adjusters International. We are convinced; had we not contracted Adjusters International, we would have received a much smaller settlement and most likely taken a much longer time to bring this to a conclusion.

Power Pac Rental & Sales Inc.

In August, I was building a five-story 46 unit apartment building in downtown Portland. It was destroyed in a five alarm fire. I did not hire anyone right away. I came close to hiring you a number of times , but kept giving the insurance company another chance. They did not rise to the occasion and do what I considered to be the right thing. Three months into the claim I hired your firm. Whereas the insurance company wanted to limit my recovery to the amount I had expended, you were able to secure for me a settlement based on current costs to rebuild. Whereas the insurance company did not want to compensate me for a construction manager, you recovered those costs. Whereas the insurance company was hesitant to pay for soft costs, you recovered the limits of our soft cost coverage. I am grateful that you were there for us and I would not hesitate to reach out to you again should the need arise.

In comparison, your competition in the Manualoha complex did an extraordinary sub-standard job. It is my understanding that they 'underbid' your company by a small amount. This occurrence is living proof that you 'get what you pay for.

Smith & Nephew Richards

Even though I consider myself a prudent Risk Manager, there are so many details that you thought of that we didn't. Your calculation of the business interruption portion of our loss was by far more accurate and advantageous to our bottom line than any number our accounting department came up with…I was especially appreciative of the manner in which you negotiated with the insurance company adjuster. As you know, we have an ongoing relationship with our carriers, and rather than creating an adversarial relationship with Kemper's adjuster, you immediately initiated a 'team' concept, which certainly inured to our benefit.

Rickel Home Centers

After speaking with my insurance company, I had soon realized that an insurance policy is truly one of 'fine print.' I had never understood that the issue of loss is only one element of a loss adjustment and that value, reconstruction methods, code and ordinance, etc., all play major roles in a successful adjustment of a fire loss. From the first day I hired you, you were immediately responsive in bringing in restoration appraisers as well as The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team. The time consuming responsibilities of meeting with the insurance company, their general contractors, appraisers and other personnel was lifted from my shoulders and I was allowed to get back to my business which is, of course, the most important thing.

Since a family member sold insurance, I approached him to write insurance for the record store as well as some other business entities. My relative informed me that Safeco was the best insurance company available and provided me a policy of insurance that would 'take care of everything in the event of a serious problem'…However, from the moment Safeco contacted me after the fire loss, it became all too apparent they were no friends of mine; their interest only involved a minimum payment to me. Despite the assurances of my relative, the broker, Safeco offered absolutely no cooperation or assistance in my time of need…Although I consider myself to be an experienced and sophisticated business person, it became obvious to me after the fire that the field of insurance is one of great expertise and an insurance policy contains pages and pages of 'fine print' even I couldn't interpret. Immediately after my authorization, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was on the scene taking control of everything that had to be done, relieving me to reestablish my business…Your fee more than justified your involvement; if you were paid on an hourly basis, I'd surely be arrested for slavery.

Record Connection

We sincerely appreciate your skills and efforts in navigating us through all the problems and hurdles that the insurance company threw our way. First, you were instrumental in dealing with the tenants and their displacement. Second, your claim strategy and game plan for the mitigation efforts were well thought out and crafted towards a speedy recovery. Third, the team of experts you retained, including your construction consultant was a tremendous asset to our eventual settlement. Fourth, your interaction with our lender and diligence in following up to get their attorneys on track with our recovery was extremely helpful. Finally, the skills you and your team employed in negotiating with our insurance company and its army of consultants and adjusters resulted in a policy limits resolution.

Gastineau Apartments, LLC
1184 of 2430