All Testimonials

The expertise that your firm exhibited during our initial discussions ensured our company that you would be able to achieve a more favorable settlement than we ever could and the results proved that. There was a minimum interruption to our organization while your staff gathered that appropriate information to process the losses which enabled us to concentrate on operating our business. Your firm clearly showed a level of knowledge and skill that proved to us that the choice we made in securing your services was the correct one.

Even though the insurance carrier’s representative recommended against hiring an independent adjuster we followed the advice of our property manager, Real Estate Connections, and contracted with your firm. That was the right thing to do considering our lack of familiarity with this situation...From the first day when you stopped Paul Davis Co. from power washing the walls your assistance has been invaluable. Their unauthorized action could have exposed us to fines since there is lead paint on the walls. Of course, your major contribution has been the ongoing negotiation with the insurance company and contractors to bring us to where we are today. And there is no question your efforts resulted in a payment and scope far in excess of what we would have received without your participation.

Heiss Family Limited Partnership

Your involvement helped to insure expeditious handling of the case, and therefore allowed Brandeis to function without any loss of service to its members or any break in our program.

The Brandeis-Bardin Institute

It would seem that the Insurance Company threw every possible obstacle in our path, but you were able to overcome all the problems and their intransigence and you were able to obtain my complete entitlement under the policy. Bill, the adjusting process was a real eye-opener. One of the things that turned out to be important to me was the care and your helping hand. The moments right after the fire are most traumatic. You see your life has gone up in smoke, unless you have gone through it there is nothing that can prepare you for that moment. You did more than just collect the money due me (that the Company didn't really want to pay), you helped me get through what was probably the roughest emotional moment in my life.

David L. Abell, Inc.

We sincerely believe that we would not have received anywhere near the satisfaction for all of the time and money we had put into remodeling the house had it not been for your assistance. Further, your guidance on developing our contents' list was invaluable, and your ability to prepare materials to the adjuster's requirements certainly helped expedite the process.

Denise Novoselski
Miramar Publishing Company

You were there for me when I needed you...emotionally and professionally. You took the time to explain those things that needed explaining and you had the expertise to get the job done...quickly, efficiently and graciously. Your expertise resulted in a 100% increase in my settlement. The peace of mind you gave me as I observed your professionalism and competence in preparing the necessary information needed to resolve my claim had a calming effect and allowed me to go about my business without concern.

Most importantly, first the National Hotel recovered more insurance monies with your guidance and support than had we decided to resolve the claim ourselves.

National Hotel

Our insurance agent immediately informed us that we were adequately insured and that we had 'nothing to worry about.' Since we have been managing commercial real estate for the past thirteen years, we knew that we did have something to worry about. At once we were confronted with the multiple dilemmas of assisting our tenants in their attempts to salvage and relocate their businesses, deal with our sudden and catastrophic loss of cash flow, as well as, for the first time, understand that it was our burden to prove our damages to the insurance company to their satisfaction before we would receive payment…We are sure that without your professional assistance, we would never have realized the equitable settlement that you achieved. We are quite certain we would not have had our shopping center properly rebuilt and received the reimbursements we were entitled to without the aggressive work you and your staff provided. Needless to say, our loss was tragic, but it would have been much worse if we had spent our time without your expertise trying to pursue this unbelievable complicated and technical task.

Coates & Sowards, Inc.
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