All Testimonials

Unfortunately, we all have some basic faith that since we have always paid our premiums on time and in good faith, that when we called upon our policy it would, in fact, act with the same integrity. Please be advised, this is not always the case. If my husband and I had not retained The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to adjudicate and settle our claim, we would have lost tens of thousands of dollars... The Greenspan Co/Adjusters International has an incredible staff that brings a level of expertise and honesty that is often hard to find. They are extremely knowledgeable on all facets of claim management and analyzing policies for maximum reimbursements.

Working with you and your staff made me realize that I would not have been as successful dealing with the insurance company alone. The process of settling an insurance claim was far more complex than I ever imagined. You are your staff provided the expertise needed to settle my claim equitably.

Yukimura's, Inc.

As a physician I've long appreciated the special rewards inherent in service that is perceived as extraordinary by one's clients…Your firm's professionalism, expertise and dedication to detail have produced results that frankly exceeded expectations. Of equal importance, your comprehensive management of the settlement process has allowed me and my fiancée to focus our energies on those things dear to us, our relationship, our careers and the rebuilding. The grief (financial and emotional) that your firm has spared us is difficult to calculate.

Jon Wack, M.D.

Most importantly, first the National Hotel recovered more insurance monies with your guidance and support than had we decided to resolve the claim ourselves.

National Hotel

Your knowledge of the insurance industry helped ease the burden of this tragic loss and your thoroughness insured my receiving full compensation. Your adjusters provided us with the necessary 'tools' needed for quick and professional recovery.

J&R Film Company, Inc.

Not only are we pleased with the financial results, but I also want to commend you on the professional way that you conducted the investigation and subsequent negotiation. You kept us informed every step of the way. You periodically requested information of us but we never felt put upon in any way. It was very comfortable to know that someone with your expertise was conducting this matter while we tended to our day-to-day business challenges.

Keepers International

Our dream home in Happy Valley recently suffered substantial destruction after a large fire just two weeks before it was ready. We had no idea that course of construction insurance could entail such a complicated process. The expertise and legal background that you brought to the table immediately set the stage and framework of the claim. As a result of your efforts all the posturing regarding coinsurance, depreciation, valuation of the damages, and application of exclusion and limitations to our claim were set aside. Your knowledge of the legal and contractual requirements that an insurance company must follow, your constant reminder to the adjuster of these obligations and the team work resulted in an extremely successful resolution. The fee percentage that you charged for your services were nominal in comparison to the results. Your settlement resulted in more than double the original offer from the insurance company.

I can tell you how pleased I am with the results of the claim. Through Arnie's skill and expertise, he was able to settle my claim far better than I had ever hoped for and I was even able to offset some other costs that I was not insured for with his presentation of the claim.

Hans Sander
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