All Testimonials

You and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International have demonstrated your knowledge of insurance policies and claims and your efforts and professionalism saved us a great deal of work and stress...Our gratitude and professional respect for your performance can never be enough.

Marco Fine Furniture, Inc.

Even though I consider myself a prudent Risk Manager, there are so many details that you thought of that we didn't. Your calculation of the business interruption portion of our loss was by far more accurate and advantageous to our bottom line than any number our accounting department came up with…I was especially appreciative of the manner in which you negotiated with the insurance company adjuster. As you know, we have an ongoing relationship with our carriers, and rather than creating an adversarial relationship with Kemper's adjuster, you immediately initiated a 'team' concept, which certainly inured to our benefit.

Nola Grayback, Risk Manager
Rickel Home Centers

Neasi-Weber International's headquarters are only a few blocks from the epicenter of the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake. The damage to our facility was so severe that we were forced to relocate our offices for a period of six months. We incurred both personal property and business interruption claims as a result. We also quickly learned that our insurer had a different perspective of evaluating our loss than the reality of the occurrence. Gary, your expertise brought about a settlement that we believe was advantageous to Neasi-Weber International. We were particularly pleased that considerable time and effort was spent understanding our organization and business before action was taken on our behalf.

Neasi-Weber International

In retrospect we feel it was an excellent decision to engage your services in assisting us in determining the loss and in working out a settlement with the insurance companies involved.

Occidental College

When we suffered the devastating fire to our home in Santa Cruz, I thought with my background (being Deputy County Counsel for the County of Santa Clara) I had the bandwidth to handle my own claim. Little did I know of all the issues that would arise along with the countless hours of documentation that would be needed to secure payment for our losses. Fortunately, I was recommended to you by several attorneys whom you have worked with over the years…Our home is now rebuilt and although I would never wish a fire on anyone, our home is now more beautiful & larger than it was before…What can I say other than to share with you how much we appreciate the job you and The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International performed in the adjustment of our claim with Mercury Casualty Insurance.

After your detailed assessment of our loss you uncovered the inadequacies in the insurance company’s evaluations. To our surprise there were numerous areas the insurance company missed and purposely ignored. More importantly you determined the true damages and took the driver’s seat in reaching our ultimate settlement goals. Your expertise in understanding the claims process and damages were integral in our obtaining the settlement we did. You were able to reach 100% of our expectations and we thank you and the entire team at The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International. You asked what I would consider to be success in this case. I told you what I thought a grand slam home run would be. You delivered exactly that.

Your team was fabulous when it came to the details relating to the rebuilding the structure and accounting for a settlement from our insurance company. Your team is not only professional but also held our hand throughout the process. Each member of your team was meticulous when it came to the details. You were even able to get us reimbursed for the cost of the items required to meet the standard building codes. Not only were you on top of things, but you were able to negotiate us a settlement almost double what the insurance company had originally offered us.

It has been a pleasure working with you, a CPA, master strategist and businessman. It is rare to encounter all of these traits in one person, but they were critical to preparing the successful $10+ million settlement we received on our property and business interruption claim. With this settlement behind us, we are confident that the company is headed in the right direction.

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