All Testimonials

...The damages sustained due to Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma where substantial and it affected all our business process and it threatened our very own existence. In cases like this it is quite a challenge to sort out what to do net in the recovery process and in addition one gets to experiment in a completely new arena: Insurance Claim. After trying my hand at it for a couple of months, it became obvious that it was not my calling or, the time to learn it. In seeking a Public Adjusting firm, we interviewed several of them and only one, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, seemed to fit my needs. I was looking at a total service company that could have not only the insurance knowledge, but also the understanding of the legal, accounting and engineering side of my business. The wisdom of my decision became obvious on the very first week of your company's engagement. The constant calls to and from the insurance company ceased immediately and I could concentrate on rebuilding my business. By improving communications and speaking the same language with our Insurers, expediting their requested documents, facilitating inspections, the work of Paul Migdal, Chris Glenister and Jim Warren, translated into a steady flow of cash and a good and courteous relationship with the Insurers. A very complex set of claims that included Crop, Crop Income, business income, structures, excess loss, machinery, personal property, etc, was worked on and settled in 7 months to my complete satisfaction and with a minimal amount of my time and that of my staff.

Silver Vase Orchids & Bromeliads

You and your firm have done an outstanding job. I am pleased not only with how well you have performed for us, but for the friendship which has developed between us.

Marshall-Rousso, Inc.

Having recently finished all negotiations arising out of the fire that destroyed a major portion of Woodburn High School, I can say that having you and the Greenspan Co./Adjusters International at our side during the entire process was necessary and meaningful. I am certain that we could not have done it without you, nor attained the settlement we did without your knowledge, professionalism, and guidance...You told us at the beginning that the insurance company would fight us every step of the way, and they did. Although it is unfortunate that one can’t get what one is entitled to without bringing in outside experts of one’s own, it is certainly true. Anyone -- or any institution -- going up against an insurance company without an advocate is likely to have an incredibly difficult time.

We'd like to thank you so very much for getting our insurance claim settled in such a professional and successful way. In all the time it took, you have shown consideration, kindness and great support.

...We lost 30 units at a brand new 237 unit apartment building two days before it was scheduled to open. It was a devastating setback…Thanks to your expert handling of our insurance claim, we were able to recover almost three times the amount our insurance company originally offered. You and your team were always there advocating on our behalf and navigating the claim through the numerous coverage issues. Your wealth of knowledge was invaluable in helping us get back on our feet. Without your involvement, we would not have recovered as much of our losses as we were with your assistance. Your company’s fee was well-spent on our part and well-earned on yours.

Howick Properties, LLC

During the process, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International also was retained by several of the tenants in connection with handling their individual policy losses. Although there is a theoretical conflict of interest situation, we felt that The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International handled the matter in an even handed manner and was able to negotiate with the respective insurance companies, to resolve the matter to everyone's satisfaction. In fact, it was our experience that it was of assistance to have the same company representing all interests involved, as there was the ability to coordinate the efforts of the parties in a more efficient manner. We have now settled all of the matters arising from said fire loss and we can truthfully state that we are most pleased with the results obtained, not only for Hollywood/Edgemont Company as lessor, but for the tenants who were left with positive feelings as between the Landlord and the tenant which we feel will benefit the center in the long term.

George R. Phillips, Managing Partner
Hollywood/Edgemont Company

I'm sure if I had handled the claim myself, it would still be in someone's basket, in some office, up on the 25th floor someplace.

Standard Shoe Stores

You were a calming presence during an extremely high-tension period in our lives. Every time, and I mean every time, we made a request through you to our insurance company you took it upon yourself to see that the request was granted. Honestly, we were amazed at what you accomplished for us...John Fristoe did a marvelous job of costing out our home and basically throwing his fully substantiated numbers in the face of the ‘experts’ our insurance company brought in to, I believe, undervalue our property…Karl was so very patient as he helped us remember every thimble, garbage can, and fork. Had we not had Karl to jog our memories we would surely have come up tens of thousands of dollars short on our personal property claim...I feel strongly that Dudley and his crew saved us months, if not years, of having to justify our claims in dealing with our insurance company.

Phil & Patty Kropelnicki
Newport Plumbing Company
1256 of 2430