All Testimonials

Within a few days of the fire, several public adjusting firms called including The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International applying to represent us. Not having had this type of experience before, and upon having called and met with the insurance company and our attorney, we quickly came to the conclusion we needed help. We chose The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International because of the references and their professional approach. We made the right decision. As important to us as receiving everything possible in the way of dollars, was the fact that we could expend all of our time and effort in building the new mill by having The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International handle the insurance claim.

S & W Seed Company

Your expertise allowed me to continue to run my business and take care of my other rental properties while you took care of the fire and all the problems with the insurance company. Because of you I was able to get everything paid and my new store rebuilt with a minimum of upset. I have no doubt that with your help, we got more money. Your fee was definitely worth it. And I got to do what I do best…make tortillas and you did what you do best - make your customers money.

Aranda's Tortilla Company, Inc.

As you well know I originally felt this process would be simple and that the insurance company was going to develop my claim, after retaining your services it became apparent that you had a lot of work ahead of you and within a short period of time you had my claim together and successfully settled. I believe without your involvement this process would have been lengthened and settled for a smaller amount than you secured. More importantly your knowledge and past experience were the reason for our success.

Mr. Nichalos of New York

I wish to extend my personal gratitude for the professional expedient assistance you and your company played in procuring settlement of our claim. I feel assured that without your intervention that it would have not been settled as subitaneously and the reimbursement would not have been as concomitant with our loss.

San Fernando Valley Heart Group

You were so right about needing help. Being so underinsured, I thought it would go smoothly. Boy was I wrong. When it started out you were to be a convenience not a necessity. My staff and I soon learned why companies like yours are a NECESSITY. Everything you told me could happen did happen and some things even your adjusters still can't believe…I know this is your job but thank you for being caring also. This made it easier.

C.C. Supply Dist. Co.

...after getting over the initial shock, I looked at the big picture and knew I was not equipped to handling the daunting task of dealing with my insurance company alone and after retaining your services I saw the team of experts rally around my loss. The tenacious work done to document and negotiation my claim with the insurance company was impressive through out the process. While the insurance company tried my patience in reaching a settlement, your team's constant support and expertise rejuvenated my confidence that I would receive the maximum settlement possible. I can say with great appreciation today that you held true to your promise to maximize my recovery.

Throughout this protracted and hard fought claim, you distinguished yourself with honesty, tenacity, creativity, and flexibility. I look forward to the next time we can work together.

You and your team have provided invaluable assistance in the College's recovery efforts in response to Tropical Storm Allison in 2001. Your knowledge of the often complex FEMA process, coupled with your insurance industry experience, have been of enormous benefit to us.

Baylor College of Medicine
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