All Testimonials

After initial attempts at doing the negotiating ourselves, we discovered that we lacked the resources and knowledge to accomplish the generous settlement you accomplished. We realized early on that we were ill equipped to devote knowledgeable staff to attend the numerous meetings, scope negotiations, unit cost negotiations, addressing building code issues and many other details that needed to be addressed in order to achieve a satisfactory settlement.

Shawnee County

...The damages sustained due to Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma where substantial and it affected all our business process and it threatened our very own existence. In cases like this it is quite a challenge to sort out what to do net in the recovery process and in addition one gets to experiment in a completely new arena: Insurance Claim. After trying my hand at it for a couple of months, it became obvious that it was not my calling or, the time to learn it. In seeking a Public Adjusting firm, we interviewed several of them and only one, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, seemed to fit my needs. I was looking at a total service company that could have not only the insurance knowledge, but also the understanding of the legal, accounting and engineering side of my business. The wisdom of my decision became obvious on the very first week of your company's engagement. The constant calls to and from the insurance company ceased immediately and I could concentrate on rebuilding my business. By improving communications and speaking the same language with our Insurers, expediting their requested documents, facilitating inspections, the work of Paul Migdal, Chris Glenister and Jim Warren, translated into a steady flow of cash and a good and courteous relationship with the Insurers. A very complex set of claims that included Crop, Crop Income, business income, structures, excess loss, machinery, personal property, etc, was worked on and settled in 7 months to my complete satisfaction and with a minimal amount of my time and that of my staff.

Silver Vase Orchids & Bromeliads

After experiencing four weeks of frustration because of non-responsiveness from our insurance carrier and faced with the complexities of presenting a claim, we realized we needed help and someone with the expertise to further our position with our insurance carrier. Immediately upon hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, we saw progress. You immediately were able to get a response from Farmers Insurance…Through your efforts, and that of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, we were not only able to complete all of the fire repairs, we were able to upgrade other areas which we had planned to have done at a later date through our reserves.

Garden Park Village Home Owners'

It was clear that we had two tasks ahead of us, both of which seemed enormous from our perspective. One was the reconstruction of our facility and the research programs it supported, and the other was the insurance claims that we would have to handle. Fortunately for us, we received a referral to your firm and agreed to retain you. As I look back at all the things the insurance companies tried to do during the adjustment process to avoid paying the claims, I can only imagine how the claims would have been handled had we not had you as our advocate, our ally, and our spokesperson. Your belief in our claim, your unwavering support of our institution, your skills, your tenacity, and your determination clearly inured to our benefit and ultimately fostered a settlement that was beyond our expectations.

Harbor Branch, Oceanographic Institution

This process has proven to be a very arduous one and I would recommend the public adjuster route to anyone in our situation.

Mohawk Central School

I thought my insurance company would take care of me, to treat me great and pay me enough to rebuild my home and replace my things, like advertising says. However, after briefly dealing with Nationwide Insurance, I realized that was not going to happen…Nationwide tried paying me $144,810 for the damages to my home. Eric diligently and methodically got Nationwide to settle my claim for $225,486. Nationwide then tried to settle my personal property claim for $131,552…Eric and Jenny put together got me $252,939. The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International delivered on its promise.

We had a previous loss due to a burglary which we handled ourselves and the insurance Co. really treated us unfairly and applied deductions, discounts, and many unheard-of discounts. The fire loss claim that was brought to you was settled precisely, quickly and professionally.

General Plating Company

The team that we met with…were very knowledgeable, professional, and always patient in answering questions, explaining options, and clarifying details.

Sound Expressions
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