All Testimonials

We have been able to relocate, and re-equip our company, and stay in business as a result of your help. We had no idea of the complexity of a claim of this nature, nor of what was really concerned in our policy, Your expertise was essential, and your guidance made what was a very traumatic and trying experience manageable.

Mr. Greenspan's efficiency and perseverance in expediting our claim allowed us to quickly restore our losses and proceed with our business concerns.

Barsotti's, Inc.

Thank you for…your tenacity and for the negotiation skills that you employed to obtain for us more than a fair settlement…The substantial settlement check that we received allows us to make the necessary repairs to our building and more than fully fund our reserve account.

901 Tenth Street Homeowners Association

Having recently finished all negotiations arising out of the fire that destroyed a major portion of Woodburn High School, I can say that having you and the Greenspan Co./Adjusters International at our side during the entire process was necessary and meaningful. I am certain that we could not have done it without you, nor attained the settlement we did without your knowledge, professionalism, and guidance...You told us at the beginning that the insurance company would fight us every step of the way, and they did. Although it is unfortunate that one can’t get what one is entitled to without bringing in outside experts of one’s own, it is certainly true. Anyone -- or any institution -- going up against an insurance company without an advocate is likely to have an incredibly difficult time.

The settlement was beyond our expectations and almost double what we thought it would be…We are glad we hired your services. You handled the adjusters very well and forced Lexington Insurance to step up to the plate…We recovered much more than we ever thought we could have on our own. The fees we paid were worth every penny in terms of the service received. You saved us tremendous amounts of time and headaches. There is no way we could have negotiated the settlement you did.

VSP Products, Inc

Thank you for…your tenacity and for the negotiation skills that you employed to obtain for us more than a fair settlement…The substantial settlement check that we received allows us to make the necessary repairs to our building and more than fully fund our reserve account.

901 Tenth Street Homeowners Association

Working with you and your staff made me realize that I would not have been as successful dealing with the insurance company alone. The process of settling an insurance claim was far more complex than I ever imagined. You are your staff provided the expertise needed to settle my claim equitably.

Yukimura's, Inc.

There is no doubt that the extensive knowledge and skill brought to this claim by your team led to a recovery amount in excess of what I had imagined. Your company has proven that it takes specialists to successfully deal with an insurance company.

Marina Puerto Chico, Inc.
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