All Testimonials

After the fire... Our family was at lost and very confused with what our next step would be. Many different adjusting companies had come to us with many guarantees and promises... We chose The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International because of their reliability and their reputation... Our family highly recommends The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, who will work quickly and efficiently to help you get what you deserve from your insurance company.

I especially appreciated your good work because I was so overwhelmed by other business, regulatory and legal aspects of the fire disaster. The idea of recovering from this fire was overwhelming. Fortunately, several friends, business associates and even a competitor of ours actually referred your firm to us and I’m very pleased we followed their advice.

Operations & Finance
P. Kay Metal, Inc.

I never anticipated your being able to secure such a high settlement, which was more than four times what I expected to get had I negotiated with the insurance company myself. You not only secured much more dollars than I anticipated, but helped alleviate a lot of the burdens that I would have to deal with in dealing with my insurance carrier.

Fred Fahimy, D.D.S., F.A.C.P.

It is my belief that your firm was entirely responsible in recovering the money due to the fire.

Your persistence and your expertise enabled us to obtain a fair settlement of our claim, which I believe would have been very difficult for us to achieve on our own.

Jerry Bloom, Past President

You and your firm were professional and competent in preparing the packages of information needed to resolve the claims. You were also very responsive to the many meetings required to help conclude this in a timely manner.

While I am well versed in insurance and construction issues, without the help of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and its team, I would not have obtained the same recovery as I did with your involvement. I am a licensed general contractor and was on the executive board of the San Francisco Apartment Association for 6 years. Much of my business involves purchasing real estate and rehabbing them for resale and/or tenancy. I was hesitant to retain a Public Adjuster. I was very impressed with your knowledge, expertise and the services rendered. The settlement was close to twice what I had expected. The monies I spent for your fees were well worth the investment.

...I know that I would not have been able to negotiate in the same manner as you did to result in a satisfactory settlement.

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