All Testimonials

As you know, the Lodge has been rebuilt and is now back in the business of delivering traditional and locally-tailored Elks charitable services to their community. This would not have happened had it not been for Dow Brooks and your involvement; and, the community would have lost their Lodge. Recall that the original estimate to “restore” a badly fire and smoked damaged building with HAZMAT was approximately $240K. To the contrary, with your expert assistance and advice, we ended up receiving approximately $940K and were able to completely rebuild a new, right-sized, energy-efficient facility to serve the community; and further, to enhance and reinforce the central business district of Omak WA. While I certainly do not wish problems for any Lodge in Oregon or Washington, I do know a “Guy” who could really help them… YOU!

The professional manner your firm demonstrated in the skillful preparation and negotiation of our client's claim far exceeded both our and their expectations. The real and personal property documentation was a work of art. Furthermore, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's accountant devoted a tremendous amount of time in the research, understanding, and overview of our client's business operations so as to be in a strong and well informed position to best present the business interruption claim. In working with you, Randy, it was obvious that your personal direction and application of the insurance policy provisions, along with your accountant's talent, was a combination that effected a settlement that not only far exceeded our expectations, but was six times the amount the insurance company had reserved for our client's loss.

San Joaquin Valley Dairymen's Association

A few days later I began to understand that we needed help, even though our insurance adjuster claimed we would be back in business within sixty days (what a joke)…We could not have done that well on our own, let alone all the work that was involved. We had a difficult case and you and your Company solved it for us.

Farmers Cold Storage & Freezers, Inc.

We have all read newspaper accounts of someone losing their home in a fire, or we have seen on our television screen the fire engines around the flaming home. When we experience this we have a momentary pang of sympathy for the homeowners. We then pass on to further news. It is not until it is your house that burns down, your worldly possessions that are completely destroyed, that you suffer the impact of what a fire really involves. I am sure the average individual, like myself, has no idea of what they should do to make any claim for their losses. Nor does the average individual have any concept of how to deal with the insurance company…It was a tremendous relief to have your men move in and take over all of the responsibilities of the inventory and the necessary negotiations, not only for the rebuilding of the house but for the substantial loss of personal property, as well as arrange for interim housing while our home was being rebuilt.

Elaine Smith

Your firm has not only comported itself with professionalism and integrity, but I feel you did your utmost to make me feel comfortable and at ease through this whole trying process. Most companies 'do their jobs,' but I think your company should be commended for thoughtfulness, genuine sincerity and organization.

Paul Migdal and Chris Glenister virtually took over the handling of our claim. They reviewed our policies, set up meetings with our insurance company, and began to quantify our losses. This allowed us to focus our efforts on rebuilding our facilities, getting our production line running again, and trying to retain our customer, rather than having to spend all our time handling the filing of an insurance claim. Without the assistance and guidance of these professionals, I am sure we would have never received a fair settlement. Having gone through this experience, I am confident that no company should ever attempt to handle their own claim without the expertise of Paul Migdal, Chris Glenister and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team.

Consolidated Fiber Glass Products Co.

There was no way I, as the Managing Co-Owner of these buildings, could have handled our claims with Farmers Insurance without the expertise you provided. Our very large losses needed the specific knowledge and expertise you provided in knowing the proper procedures and approaches to take with the insurance adjusters and their managers…Ours was an example of the classic good business relationship, where there was mutual benefit combined with mutual trust and respect.

Northridge Properties

We were completely at a loss as to how to proceed with the many problems and situations which arose when our building burned on Christmas night. Your sincere concern and expertise enabled us to realize the best settlement with our insurance people.

American Legion
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