All Testimonials

Sin embargo, del momento que su compania se coumnico con nosotros hermos estado sumamente satisfechos con los servicios rendidos que su compania nos proporciono. Yo no puedo empezar a decirle el tiempo y dolor de cabeze que su compania me ha salvado en este tiempo de crisis. Lo que mas me impresiono fue que yo no tuve que hacer mucho en este proceso.

From the moment your company contacted us we have been extremely satisfied with the comprehensive services your company provided us. I can't begin to tell you the time and headache your company has saved me in this already stressful time. What impressed me the most was the fact that I did not have to do much in this whole process.

Retired Businessman

I never anticipated your being able to secure such a high settlement, which was more than four times what I expected to get had I negotiated with the insurance company myself. You not only secured much more dollars than I anticipated, but helped alleviate a lot of the burdens that I would have to deal with in dealing with my insurance carrier.

Fred Fahimy, D.D.S., F.A.C.P.

Your prompt professional handling of our claim resulted in a settlement which we feel is very satisfactory, and I would like to thank you and each of the members of your staff who worked on this claim for us. Your thorough knowledge of the construction process as well as the loss of income coverage was essential to our final settlement.

Norview Marina Associates, Inc.

We never realized the intricacies involved in attempting to resolve insurance claims formally with and through our carrier. This whole unfortunate accident was resolved financially, professionally and in a timely fashion, and for that we are all grateful.

My first mental reaction to Adjusters services was, "Why do I need these guys?" After all I've got insurance for this sort of loss and my agent with the carrier will help me through this problem.

Our insurance carrier took longer than they should have to begin dealing with our claim. It was enough time for me to decide to enlist the services of Adjusters International. They understood our company's insurance policy much better than we did. Adjusters was able to explain to me where our coverage was weak and where they could maximize benefits out of our insurance policy.

At the first meeting with Adjusters and our insurance carrier, I knew we had made the correct decision to hire Adjusters International. They knew how to negotiate our needs under our policy to get the most out of our coverage. Adjusters were able to get more accomplished that I could have done and certainly more than our carrier would have offered.

Our company was able to focus on replacing equipment and getting out business functioning, while Adjusters worked with our insurance carrier on the claim.

Empire Rubber & Supply Co.

...we turned to the experts at Adjusters International to represent our interests with the insurance company.

American Capital Group

On September 21, 1993, we hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to represent our interests on our $700,000 building fire. You assigned Arnie Abramson, SPPA, of your firm to handle our claim. Not only was Arnie professional, courteous, and always there for us, he knew the Insurance company's concerns and questions and had the answers for them before they were posed to us.

Executive Officer

We sincerely appreciate your skills and efforts in navigating us through all the problems and hurdles that the insurance company threw our way. First, you were instrumental in dealing with the tenants and their displacement. Second, your claim strategy and game plan for the mitigation efforts were well thought out and crafted towards a speedy recovery. Third, the team of experts you retained, including your construction consultant was a tremendous asset to our eventual settlement. Fourth, your interaction with our lender and diligence in following up to get their attorneys on track with our recovery was extremely helpful. Finally, the skills you and your team employed in negotiating with our insurance company and its army of consultants and adjusters resulted in a policy limits resolution.

Gastineau Apartments, LLC
1392 of 2430