All Testimonials

His patience under trying circumstances was an attribute which was greatly appreciated by the Fulton Towers Board of Directors. His guidance in setting procedures for us to follow, particularly immediately after the quake was of enormous importance to us.

Fulton Towers Homeowners Association

We had no idea of the complexity and diversity of the process involved in the settlement of a Builder's Risk claim, especially since we were 95 percent complete when the fire occurred, you and your people were able to make sense of our policy, put all the pieces together to make us whole, and put the owner at ease.

Jennison Construction Company

You kept us in the loop throughout the entire process. We were appreciative of the hard work you did in securing a fair settlement that was much more than what Allstate initially offered to pay. We were able to rebuild the house the way we wanted, not the way Allstate wanted us to build it, meaning to a sub-standard condition. You looked out for us at every step. We really appreciate your hard work and diligence. The fee we paid of approximately $35,000 was well spent.

...The damages sustained due to Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma where substantial and it affected all our business process and it threatened our very own existence. In cases like this it is quite a challenge to sort out what to do net in the recovery process and in addition one gets to experiment in a completely new arena: Insurance Claim. After trying my hand at it for a couple of months, it became obvious that it was not my calling or, the time to learn it. In seeking a Public Adjusting firm, we interviewed several of them and only one, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, seemed to fit my needs. I was looking at a total service company that could have not only the insurance knowledge, but also the understanding of the legal, accounting and engineering side of my business. The wisdom of my decision became obvious on the very first week of your company's engagement. The constant calls to and from the insurance company ceased immediately and I could concentrate on rebuilding my business. By improving communications and speaking the same language with our Insurers, expediting their requested documents, facilitating inspections, the work of Paul Migdal, Chris Glenister and Jim Warren, translated into a steady flow of cash and a good and courteous relationship with the Insurers. A very complex set of claims that included Crop, Crop Income, business income, structures, excess loss, machinery, personal property, etc, was worked on and settled in 7 months to my complete satisfaction and with a minimal amount of my time and that of my staff.

Silver Vase Orchids & Bromeliads and your associates brought an expertise and professionalism that were of invaluable assistance to the association and to me personally in reaching both a speedy and equitable settlement of our loss. The owners at Whalers Cove had a great deal going for them in the aftermath of Iniki; we had the original developer as a homeowner and board member, we had access to both the architect and the contractor. We also had excellent insurance coverage. With all those things going for us, the board was reluctant to seek the assistance of a 'hired gun' like The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. We had everything we needed except a genuine understanding of how the insurance claim business works. In retrospect, it was probably our impatience more than our wisdom that led us to decide to use your services; it turned out to be the wisest course we could have taken.

Whalers Cove AOAO

What can I say except that without your involvement, we would have never collected the proceeds we received for our building, personal property and extra expense claims…With respect to the personal property claim, you did a superb job in documenting all of the books, school papers, furniture, equipment and supplies that were destroyed. We probably would have accepted a figure substantially less than what your office documented. More importantly, you were able to minimize the co-insurance penalty and depreciation that would have applied had we tried to handle this portion of the loss by ourselves…Through your efforts, we were able to substantially upgrade the classrooms that were destroyed in the fire. More importantly, we now have four additional classrooms from your negotiation efforts under our extra expense claim…You certainly alleviated a lot of the burden off of my shoulders and my staff in handling this claim.

A Gifted Education, Inc.

Admittedly, at first we were hesitant to retain your services but requested that our local insurance agent meet with us and your representatives. After this meeting, we felt satisfied that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was indeed needed to be our go-between. We did not need to deal with the insurance company, all matters were referred directly to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and thus we were able to continue our day to day activities without too much interruption.

My first introduction to your profession was when I was standing in the charred remains of our 11,000 square foot building that housed over 50 employees and was contemplating appropriate actions. At first I elected to proceed on my own with our insurance agent, but within a few days it was obvious that this would be a disaster. It would have taken an inordinate amount of time, during which I wouldn't be able to run my business, and I suspected that I would also be at a severe disadvantage negotiating an insurance settlement, for the very first time, with someone who does this every day, and has for thirty years. Although I may have been more work for you than a passive client might have been, I feel that our discussions yielded a fair settlement. I appreciate the personalized service that accommodated our situation and my temperament.

Marc Kloner
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