All Testimonials

You and your people handled everything for us in a professional manner, much, much better than we could have ever done.

E & M Electric & Machinery, Inc.

...You and your team of experts delivered an outstanding settlement of our claim in a most professional and timely manner. I know for a fact that without your help I would never have achieved the settlement that you were able to get for me.

Pacific Community Services, Inc.

Mr. Greenspan did an outstanding job in coordinating the disposition of the damaged property and presenting the claims to the insurance companies. His fee was nominal compared to the recoveries obtained through his adjusting expertise.

You immediately assembled a team of professionals from Adjusters International to counteract the army of consultants that the insurance company brought on the claim. Your construction team and engineering reference were tremendous assets. The carrier initially offered approximately $700,000 to settle the matter. The settlement of $1.2 Million that you ultimately got was more in line with what the proper measure of my loss was. You did such a great job that both my Property Manager and my Bank felt that next time any of their clients suffered such a situation they knew to call you and Adjusters International…For the price the result that you achieved was tremendous.

In a situation, which seemed like God and mankind were against us, you stepped in and made life bearable, sorting through and endless maze of insurance company red tape that would have taken us years to unravel. Through it all, you managed to keep your focus on the most important part of the puzzle, the insurance money necessary to rebuild the facility.

The Lot / Blackacre Capital Group

...First of all if we were to do anything different we would contact Greenspan Adjusters International sooner.

You and your firm were professional and competent in preparing the packages of information needed to resolve the claims. You were also very responsive to the many meetings required to help conclude this in a timely manner.

We were always aware of the complex issues the claim generated and the difficulty that some of them posed. Your professionalism, knowledge and steadfastness were outstanding and the ultimate result certainly met out most optimistic expectations.

Alpha Hospitality Corporation
1416 of 2430