All Testimonials

I take pride in that no one knows the surplus business better than I do and, clearly, no one knows the insurance claims business better than you do. The way you guided the insurance company adjuster was masterful. You assisted him to understand our position in a calm and reasoned way. But, all the while I knew that if you had to "the gloves off" you could spar with the best of them.

It’s their adjuster’s job to pay you as little as possible because insurance companies do not profit from paying more money.

Totem West Professional Center

Arnie was able to recover money owed to me from State Farm Insurance that I could not have gotten back on my own...As the Founder and President of one of the largest footwear companies in the world - I know a great business when I see it.

You were there from day one and that was reassuring. You were very thorough with your investigation and working up our loss. Without your services we never would have been able to make the settlement as quickly and smoothly as it went. It was a relief for us to know that you were handling it and we never had to really become bogged down with the settlement. Thanks to you we were able to put our energy into reconstruction and running our business.

Colleen Gudmundson

We are a cautious group of homeowners, very thorough and deliberate. It took us some time to make up our minds but in retrospect the decision to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to represent us was one of the best choices we have made over the years...The claim presented to State Farm was realistic and was supported by the evidence gathered and accumulated. The insurance company adjuster had to have been impressed by its quality and completeness, as was every one of our Directors...Even after paying The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International its fee, we are convinced that had we not retained your services, we still would have never received a net settlement anywhere close to what Arnie was able to obtain for us. Your company was worth every penny that we paid you.

Westholme Executive Townhomes

Your fee was well worth the amount and we were very pleased with the outcome and settlement your firm obtained.

Sunnyoaks Shell

Just a note to tell you how terrific you are! When people have problems that they are not familiar with they need an expert. Having this fire was a real experience for me and without you would have been a disaster.

Technolite & Lighting West

You made everything easy for us and were always there when we needed you. Without a doubt, you were greatly responsible for everything that the complex was able to get from the Insurance Carrier and they did get a great deal. We thank you for your terrific negotiations, your understanding of what everyone was going through and your extreme patience.

ABC Management
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