All Testimonials

Although I was a little skeptical in the beginning, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind now that we did the right thing in contracting with your company.

County of Monroe / Key West, FL

My first mental reaction to Adjusters services was, "Why do I need these guys?" After all I've got insurance for this sort of loss and my agent with the carrier will help me through this problem.

Our insurance carrier took longer than they should have to begin dealing with our claim. It was enough time for me to decide to enlist the services of Adjusters International. They understood our company's insurance policy much better than we did. Adjusters was able to explain to me where our coverage was weak and where they could maximize benefits out of our insurance policy.

At the first meeting with Adjusters and our insurance carrier, I knew we had made the correct decision to hire Adjusters International. They knew how to negotiate our needs under our policy to get the most out of our coverage. Adjusters were able to get more accomplished that I could have done and certainly more than our carrier would have offered.

Our company was able to focus on replacing equipment and getting out business functioning, while Adjusters worked with our insurance carrier on the claim.

Empire Rubber & Supply Co.

Mr. Migdal and Mr. Warren were extremely professional and they knew exactly what they were doing. We realize it was not easy. It took a lot of hard work, long hours, canceled meetings, frustrations, long distance calls, more canceled meetings, sleepless nights, constant pressure from us, not to mention the cultural differences, but we are more than satisfied with the results. It was definitely worth the wait. We received more money than expected. They handled all our requests in a timely fashion and represented us better than expected.

Villa Cofresi Hotel and Restaurant

Through your calm and very professional handling of the various issues we were finally paid eight times the insurance company's original offer for our building damage and furniture and yard goods loss.


Most importantly, Apartment & Condominium Concepts Unlimited, Inc. has recovered more insurance money for their clients through the efforts of Adjusters International than we ever would have been able to collect had we tried to adjust the claims ourselves through the Adjusters of the individual insurance carriers. The time which your personnel have spent with my Property Managers in dealing with very sensitive issues has been greatly appreciated.

Apartment & Condominium Concepts
Unlimited, Inc.

We were completely at a loss as to how to proceed with the many problems and situations which arose when our building burned on Christmas night. Your sincere concern and expertise enabled us to realize the best settlement with our insurance people.

American Legion

When we first met, I stressed the importance of my home’s historic nature and how I was concerned that my insurance company was not going to fully appreciate the expense it will take to repair my home. It was clear from our conversations, that you and your team appreciated the artistry of my home and the complexity of handling a claim of this nature. Now that my claim has reached its conclusion, I am extremely happy that I retained The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to handle my loss. Your team helped document the increased cost of plaster, the ornate trims, and the Victorian features that is unique to my house. Additionally, your team documented my personal property with meticulous detail allowing me to recover all of the monies that was due to me under my policy. With retrospect, hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was an excellent decision. I couldn’t have done it without the support of you, Clay Gibson, and the team at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

Thanks to Mr. Elkman's guidance, support and calming influence, I was able to cope with the job of re-building my company. It's difficult to watch such a very large part of your life go up in smoke. Trying to cope with the fire, employee concerns, cleaning up debris, living up to financial commitments and fighting with the insurance company was far more stress than I needed in my life.

Fourth Dimension Work Systems, Inc.
1440 of 2430