All Testimonials

We are very pleased, and happy, with the results.

I really appreciate your work in helping us settle the fire loss at the Valencia Hilton. As you are aware, the business interruption recalculation portion of this loss was extremely intricate and your work saved us a great deal of time and eventually money.

W. David Little, Director Risk Management
Hilton Hotels Corporation

Even though the insurance carrier’s representative recommended against hiring an independent adjuster we followed the advice of our property manager, Real Estate Connections, and contracted with your firm. That was the right thing to do considering our lack of familiarity with this situation...From the first day when you stopped Paul Davis Co. from power washing the walls your assistance has been invaluable. Their unauthorized action could have exposed us to fines since there is lead paint on the walls. Of course, your major contribution has been the ongoing negotiation with the insurance company and contractors to bring us to where we are today and there is no question your efforts resulted in a payment and scope far in excess of what we would have received without your participation.

Heiss Family Limited Partnership

The phrase 'you will see light at the end of the tunnel' may be over-used, but suffice to say, that your agent, and our 'light bearer' was truly a man who not only assisted us in the administration and processing of our insurance claim after the fire in our warehouse facility, but also, provided quick, decisive service and emotional comfort in our time of turmoil. Ken, both by words and deeds, demonstrated his undivided loyalty to us and his concern for our well-being. In a shorter time than it takes most people to return a telephone call, Ken was in our office listening to our questions and concerns and offering answers and solutions. He has proven himself to be more than just our adjuster, he is our friend.

for the Company
3-G VideoCassette Corporation

It was interesting, immediately after the fire our insurance company wanted us to use their preferred vendors and recommended we demolish the home right away. We were so lucky we listened to you and did not put our trust in our insurance company whom we thought would look out for our interest. If we had demolished our house or listened to our insurance company we would have lost pertinent evidence that helped secure the details towards our final claim award amounts. We then researched what a Public Adjuster is and how they can assist in the claims process and talked to others that had used public adjusters. We found that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was well known as the premier Public Adjusting firm. By diligently documenting all aspects of our claim the final settlement you achieved was more than $350,000.00 higher than what was originally offered on our house. Plus our personal property settlement was $250,000.00 more than our insurance company tried to get us to settle on. By taking charge of the adjustment process for us, your services allowed me to focus on running my dental practice and allowed Melissa to minimize the distractions for our children. You kept us informed each and every step of the way and always made yourself available to address our questions and concerns. Our minds were set at ease and we were extremely impressed by your diplomatic approach. Your team was on site and was totally devoted to our cause from the beginning. By working with you we identified losses that we would have missed. You treated our loss in the same manner as you would have treated your own. I am convinced that hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was the right choice. The additional payments you were able to secure far exceeded the cost of your services.

You were on the scene immediately both assuaging our concerns and dealing with our emotions and fears. Although I started the process myself, I clearly could not get it done in an expedient manner or in the manner which you handled our loss. You handled our loss professionally, expediently and with great care, constantly keeping us in the loop of important information… You negotiated a settlement that was exceptional and allowed us to rebuild the project in the manner that it should have been.

Jeff Katofsky
JD Market Acquisitions

Mr. Migdal and Mr. Warren were extremely professional and they knew exactly what they were doing. We realize it was not easy. It took a lot of hard work, long hours, canceled meetings, frustrations, long distance calls, more canceled meetings, sleepless nights, constant pressure from us, not to mention the cultural differences, but we are more than satisfied with the results. It was definitely worth the wait. We received more money than expected. They handled all our requests in a timely fashion and represented us better than expected.

Villa Cofresi Hotel and Restaurant

Your dealings with Allstate and California Fairplan always struck me as at once smooth and tough, charming and knowledgeable. And you got results: we ended up with much more money than we would have without you.

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