All Testimonials

Your advice in the preparation of our property claim and business interruption claim and in the negotiations with the Insurance Company's accountants and adjusters was most beneficial to us in obtaining a very satisfactory indemnification for our damages.

The knowledge, compassion and ability to unfold and resolve the numerous issues was recognized and appreciated.

Despite a good business background I very quickly realized that I did not have the expertise or experience to document the claim to our insurance company. And although we had been with that insurance company for more than ten years, it was quickly apparent that as far as they were concerned, we were on our own in documenting our claim. I first tried to enlist the aid of our accounting firm or our attorney. Although we use a national accounting firm and a large regional law firm, both admitted they lacked the experience to document our claim…As a direct result of the professional expertise of Adjusters International, we received much more from our insurance company than Adjusters International's fee, and we strongly recommend them to others.

Macerich Property Management Company recently sustained a loss of over $1.5 million resulting from a fire at one of its shopping centers. We retained the services of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, and specifically Paul M. Migdal as its representative adjuster, to represent us in the presentation and negotiation of our insurance claims. Mr. Migdal and The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International represented us with great professionalism and we are extremely satisfied with the results obtained.

Stephen L. Spector, Associate General
Counsel and Director of Legal Affairs
The Macerich Company

It is an extremely traumatic experience to have a fire, with loss of home and personal property, upheaval of one's life and the subsequent process of rebuilding same. With the help of these gentlemen, this very personal and emotional event has been resolved in a calm and expedient manner. I cannot say I would look forward to doing business with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International again as it would be a result of another loss, however I have the utmost praise for and would most assuredly recommend these professionals who so aptly represented my interests.

Thanks to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, the severe impact as a result of the earthquake for our company was kept to a minimum because you were able to expedite the settlement without any delays.

Betty Mirbal, Controller
Designer Labels for Less

When a loss of this size occurs one feels at the mercy of the insurance company and the legalese of the language in the policy. Mr. Crown and you simplified all of this and in very plain language got to the bottom line of things and made clear to us just what we were entitled to. To anyone considering your services, we can only say, you certainly earn your fee, not only in the emotional protection you gave us through your vigilant advocacy of our case, but in getting us top dollar in our settlement.

Jill D. Carlino

...Your skilled team of experienced adjusters and accountants immediately sorted through a voluminous amount of our financial records. You accurately defined the economic impact of this incident to include every detail of our compensable extra expenses and related labor and material efficiencies. We were able to maintain our production/shipment schedule and Adjusters International was able to identify income/extra expense losses that were overlooked by all other parties involved. Through the great detail and negotiating skills of your firm, we were able to expedite a settlement, which was absolutely in accordance with your documentation.

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