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Looking back, after collecting an insurance settlement that exceeded our expectations, it is easy to say that we made the right choice. In addition to collecting a great settlement, we had the luxury of the The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team’s expertise to guide us through every step of the process and to intercede for us when necessary. Based on both the final outcome and the experience in getting there, I can honestly say that I would recommend The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to anyone facing the daunting challenge of settling a large insurance claim. Thanks again for letting me keep my peace of mind through the settlement process.

As you know, in addition to my background as an investor and developer, I am a lawyer and fairly well-versed in the nuances of insurance coverage and insurance case law. During my career, I have been exposed to some complex insurance matters. This case however, took the prize. It involved extremely complex, multi-layered coverage issues involving fire major property carriers, two E & O carriers, insurance program administrators, and highly technical reconstruction issues and the ultimate settlement was over 300% of the amount that the insurers argued that we were entitled to. Your team were arm-in-arm with the architects, engineers, coverage counsel and the ownership to ensure that the process was driven to a successful conclusion. They were intelligent, experienced and committed to the best result for the client throughout their involvement.

Throughout this protracted and hard fought claim, you distinguished yourself with honesty, tenacity, creativity, and flexibility. I look forward to the next time we can work together.

I consider myself to be a skilled businessman. I am glad that I had the presence of mind, after the loss, to recognize that adjusting claims was a separate and unique skill of which I was unfamiliar…Now that the adjustment is fully concluded, I am satisfied and thankful that I chose to have you represent my interests. I am certain that no stone was left unturned by you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and not one dollar was left on the table regarding my financial recovery.

Discount Center

What is even more amazing is after an incident occurs you realize that you need to hire a company to negotiate with your own insurance company. They act like they are helping you through the process when in fact their goal is to payout the least amount of money possible while still settling the claim.

As I expressed to you when we agreed to have The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International represent our firm, Sun Dry needed a timely settlement and the maximum amount allowable under the terms of our policy. It pleases me to know that your firm exceeded our expectations on both accounts. In reviewing the final settlement I would conservatively estimate that the total payment we received, because of your expert knowledge and tenacious pursuit of a fair and equitable settlement, resulted in an additional fifty percent more than we would have obtained if we would have attempted to settle without your help.

Sun Dry Products, Inc.

...Your policy evaluation, accurate measurement of the loss, and claim negotiations on our behalf enabled us to concentrate on our business while your expedited our settlement and secured maximum recovery for our firm...Your evaluation of our stock and improvements and betterments damage was very detailed. Additionally, your in-house accountants used our business income/extra expense coverage sagaciously, which allowed us to use the insurance proceeds to relocate to a more desirable retail location.

Murry's Family of Fine Foods

My area of specialty is in dentistry, not in dealing with insurance companies. Insurance companies are in the business to make money, not to help out the Insured. Your knowledge, help, caring and expertise in adjusting the losses, both property and business interruption far surpassed my expectations.

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