All Testimonials

I am sure Adjusters International was responsible for our receiving double what we would have without their help in settling our claim.

You made everything easy for us and were always there when we needed you. Without a doubt, you were greatly responsible for everything that the complex was able to get from the Insurance Carrier and they did get a great deal. We thank you for your terrific negotiations, your understanding of what everyone was going through and your extreme patience.

ABC Management

Our loss was quite large and the claim quite complex. From the date of their retention... until our recent receipt of a substantial settlement, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team-led by Gary Johnson and joined by Gordon Scott, Steve Severaid and Paul Migdal-treated the Sherwood Resort Guam as if it were their sole client. They invested an immeasurable amount of time and effort on site as well as in foreign lands. At all times, these professionals conducted themselves with extreme diligence and absolute integrity and professionalism... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team never wavered in its conviction that our loss was well in excess of that being postulated by the insurance carrier. With extreme determination, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team acted as our advocate and was able to secure the settlement that the Sherwood Resort Guam was entitled to... We consider the fee paid to them to be a bargain in the true sense of the word. If their fee was many times the amount paid, we would still consider them to be one of the best investments the Sherwood Resort Guam has made.

Peter Lin, General Manager

In retrospect, if The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International were to double its charges, which were a percentage of the insurance paid to me, it would still be a bargain.

J. R. Singer, Ph. D

I’m so thankful that The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International exists and that dedicated wonderful people like you all are there to help.

With your expertise and skills I was able to recover more than twice what the insurance company offered and all my contents limits. Furthermore, your accounting department was instrumental in capturing my business interruption losses as well as all the extra expenses that I incurred in setting up a temporary office…I do not suggest anyone go through what I did without the help of The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International. Handling a large insurance claim without your help would have been extremely distracting and time consuming.

I wanted to extend my appreciation, and that of Mrs. Eunice Kennedy Shriver, for your assistance in her recent fire loss insurance claim…Looking back on it, I can see that the first few weeks after a fire presents a stream of issues and decisions that no one should face without someone of your talents and expertise at their side. The subsequent work you performed in bringing in the engineers, contractors and appraisers required to begin processing the claim with the insurer, Chubb, was equally invaluable and saved me countless hours. Your initial statement that a speedy claims process was the only way you would pursue the job and your later recommendation to reject Chubb's original settlement offers…further demonstrated your expertise. I am also happy to say that it also yielded additional insurance proceeds that would not have been obtained if we had attempted to do this work on our own or with another firm. To sum up, your knowledge of Chubb's procedures and how best to approach them was invaluable.

Joseph P. Kennedy Enterprises, Inc.

I have been an active real estate developer, investor and property manager for twenty five years, but had never before utilized the services of an insurance adjuster. Insurance claims are a necessary by-product of managing a large inventory of real properties and I had always, in the past, handled these matters myself. I will not continue to make that mistake. Your company was professional, knowledgeable, aggressive and extremely thorough. I could not have been any happier with the quality and result of your work.

Westhill Management Company

When a loss of this size occurs one feels at the mercy of the insurance company and the legalese of the language in the policy. Mr. Crown and you simplified all of this and in very plain language got to the bottom line of things and made clear to us just what we were entitled to. To anyone considering your services, we can only say, you certainly earn your fee, not only in the emotional protection you gave us through your vigilant advocacy of our case, but in getting us top dollar in our settlement.

Jill D. Carlino
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