All Testimonials

We didn’t realize it would be so difficult getting our money from Allstate Insurance. You and your team of experts have been wonderful.

We wish we had met you at the inception of the loss. We face numerous challenges from the insurance company, its adjusters and consultants, as well as the lenders and various other entities involved. It was several months after the loss that we retained your services. We are very grateful for the team effort and ultimate recovery. Your team did a great job of negotiating the various components of the claim. Your fees were a percentage of the insurance recovery and were very reasonable for the services performed.

Hotel Mt. Lassen

Despite a difficult stance taken by the carrier you were able to secure a limit of policy settlement within a most reasonable time frame. It took much time, effort, and a thorough knowledge of the claims business to secure this result. You conducted yourself in a very professional, aggressive and positive manner throughout the difficult negotiations, keeping me well informed at every step. I have had experience with a number of fires and adjusters but never have I been so pleased with an adjuster's performance.

Dolores Heights Properties, Inc.

In particular, we would like to thank both Paul Migdal and Jim Warren for the tenacity and perseverance that they demonstrated while helping us settle our large and cumbersome fire insurance claim. Our claim included both the structure and restaurant equipment resulting in prolonged negotiations with our insurer regarding replacement cost vs. market value, loss of non-conforming zoning use and relentless, non-productive investigations into the cause of the fire. Negotiations that we, the owners, were not prepared to tackle ourselves, either knowledgeably or emotionally. Paul and Jim were able to keep our spirits up while we dealt with the excruciating process of proving our claim, all without the necessity of legal intervention and the added expense of full legal representation.

The Golden Bear Lodge

The skilled staff of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International researched and worked with thoroughness, diligence and determination that resulted in a very favorable settlement as quickly as possible...His knowledge, attention to detail, preparation and professionalism expedited the settlement. He had complete knowledge of our insurance claim and his negotiation skills were superb. He was always in contact with us, informing us of his progress and answering all our questions.

Susan Buck-Lew

Without you I wonder how long it could have gone on with all the excuses???

Hammett’s Women’s Apparel

We are very happy with the settlement we ended up with and I think we came out with a lot more after subtracting your fee than we would have doing this on our own…I am sure there are a lot of naïve people out there who think insurance companies are eager to write million dollar checks for any legitimate claim. This didn't happen for Dr. Pitts and it didn't happen for us. The fact that you are in business suggests it doesn't happen all that often.

...The settlement was beyond our expectations and almost three times what we thought it would be.…You got us the best result and your effort to negotiate the depreciation deduction up front was excellent. Even our bank was very happy with your services. They told me that they would highly recommend you to their clients if ever needed…We recovered much more than we ever thought we could have on our own. The fees we paid were worth every penny in terms of the service received. You saved us tremendous amounts of time and headaches. There is no way we could have negotiated the settlement you did.

Riverpark Apartments
1560 of 2430