All Testimonials

Without your expertise and tenacity, we would have never settled this claim. Dealing with an insurance company is no easy task! Your ability to refute the insurance company’s attempt at reducing our claim was instrumental in maximizing our recovery…Only after retaining The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International, did the insurance company recognize that they would not be able to take unfair advantage of our position. You were successful in negotiating a fair and reasonable settlement which initially seemed impossible.

Easton Pacific Construction Company

The insurance adjusters immediately surrounded us and told us that they would take care of us and that we did not need any professional help to represent our interests. We soon realized the meaning of the term “fox watching the chickens coop.” We are so glad that we retained…you and your team as our advocates…Your negotiation of the claim allowed us to recover the maximum under the terms of our policy and was more than twice what both the insurance companies offered. We are happy to pay for the services of your company.

Jo Jo’s Cafe

After hiring you as a public adjuster not only did you break the stalemate, you also alleviated the stress and frustration I was experiencing. I believe the insurance company settled fairly and I was justly compensated for my losses, only because you were there to negotiate.

Connie Linden

I want you to know that from the morning that Jerry Fleischman came into my smoldering store, both you and he have made what could have been trauma and real losses into an acceptable position for my company…Without your expertise in preparing and presenting our loss and damages, to the insurance company, we would not have received such a satisfactory settlement.

Adjusters International handled every aspect of our claim and completely removed that burden from me. I was free to concentrate on getting my business back up and running, and didn't have to worry about the insurance company.

As you know, I started negotiating with their adjuster on my own after the loss occurred. That was perhaps the worst business decision I have ever made. I finally realized that I needed representation by someone who was an expert in insurance losses. By the time I engaged your services MSI had already had their own consulting engineer look at the building and had recommended a repair plan that was totally unacceptable. It took Adjusters International to undo that plan and negotiate the settlement to which we agreed. Based upon the offer to settle made by MSI before Adjusters International intervened and the one we finally accepted, the final settlement was nearly three times the original offer. Or to put it another way, I received an additional sum of money that was twelve times more than the fees Adjusters International charged me. That was a good investment!

Lancaster Co.

As I have told you both many times before, if it hadn't have been for your company, I'm sure we would still be battling over our losses, and still up on the 8th floor in our cramped temporary quarters.

Shapell Industries, Inc.

You were on the scene immediately both assuaging our concerns and dealing with our emotions and fears. Although I started the process myself, I clearly could not get it done in an expedient manner or in the manner which you handled our loss. You handled our loss professionally, expediently and with great care, constantly keeping us in the loop of important information… You negotiated a settlement that was exceptional and allowed us to rebuild the project in the manner that it should have been.

Jeff Katofsky
JD Market Acquisitions
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