All Testimonials

You and your team have provided invaluable assistance in the College's recovery efforts in response to Tropical Storm Allison in 2001. Your knowledge of the often complex FEMA process, coupled with your insurance industry experience, have been of enormous benefit to us.

Baylor College of Medicine

Had it not been for your competence and experience, it was a certainty that the negotiations would have dragged into months, if not years. Thank you for your patience with us, recognizing very well that we had just gone through a very stressful situation.

Genghis Khan Furniture

Without the expertise of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team we would have been at a definite disadvantage in getting a fair settlement. The thoroughness in which you approached every small detail, the bringing in of an outside appraiser at your own cost to assure our equipment was valued properly, are just two examples of the truly professional job done by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

Richard F. Otto
Ticorm, Inc.

The load you took off of our shoulders was tremendous. There is no doubt in my mind that had I trusted the insurance company to take care of my claim I would have received at least 40% less…After talking to the adjuster I now know it is his job to make sure that we got the least amount possible.

Entrees Unlimited

You were there for me every step of the way with your relentless pursuit of all aspects of claim.

Kaiser Permanente

The settlement process was arduous and required time and patience by us, but you and your staff guided us skillfully and professionally.

Standard Structures, Inc.

Persistently you presented the facts of the structure's damages to Farmers, ultimately 'going to the mat' with their adjuster to force a fair settlement for us.

4230 Stansbury Association

Hats off to you all for a patient, thoughtful and well executed campaign in bringing the carrier and their adjustors to a reasonable meeting of the minds… You are all real pros and it is a pleasure to work with you.

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