All Testimonials

I will never forget the professionalism, kindness, thoroughness and objectivity you brought to my wine loss claim. As I had begun facing my insurance company on my own with my claim it soon became apparent that I was being judged almost as a criminal for even making a claim…Within hours you had personally reviewed my complete insurance policy binder. The next day meeting with you and Chris Glenister was amazing. You quickly reduced the 'game' with the insurance companies and how to play through a claim fairly. You brought my claim to almost a 100% valuation at the end and held my hand through a rigorous set of audits of all aspects of my company as my carrier did their best to deny my claim. No one should EVER play this insurance claim 'game' alone…Your services were outstanding and reasonably priced.

Leslie Pantling, President/CEO

The Association has no paid employees and no management company. We were prepared enough to have fully insured our structures and common areas…but we found we were in way over our heads in seeking to negotiate a fair settlement with State Farm. After six weeks of trying to work directly with their adjustment team on our own we had become quite frustrated with their lack of follow-up and their lack of professionalism.

Northridger Townhomes Homeowners

...He was always right on the job, he understood the problems. He is a first class professional. He did what nobody else could do. He came up with the ideas and answers to make a difference.

Initially, we attempted to work with our insurance company's representative to resolve our claim. As opposed to the professional and courteous service which was promised by our insurance company, we found ourselves in an extremely adversarial position…Your representative paid especially close attention to detail and brought to our attention items that were overlooked by us and our contractor. Mr. Duval relieved a huge burden from us and presented our claim in a detailed fashion, which I was unsuccessful in doing. This attention to detail also became evident in the inventory process, which I had not realized was a very time consuming process. The inventory services your company provided were worth the fee your company charged alone. The increased settlement amounts were just an added bonus.

I wish to extend my personal gratitude for the professional expedient assistance you and your company played in procuring settlement of our claim. I feel assured that without your intervention that it would have not been settled as subitaneously and the reimbursement would not have been as concomitant with our loss.

San Fernando Valley Heart Group

I would like to express my personal appreciation and also the appreciation of Lockheed management in general for the excellent job you and your associates did in working up our earthquake claim, particularly the business interruption portion. It is unfortunate that we had to go to the extreme of filing suit against the carrier(s) to recover our loss due to the adamant refusal on the part of one of the carriers to recognize that we had any business interruption loss at all. It is obvious, however, that your basis of presenting the business interruption claim, backed up by your understanding of the policy wording and intent, your understanding of Lockheed's financial situation at the time of the earthquake, and, of course, your professional expertise went a long way in prompting the early settlement of the claim.

Lockheed Aircraft Corporation

...While we were initially hesitant about retaining a public adjuster, our meetings with Paula Borges presented numerous positive reasons to retain The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International. Paula gave us hope and explained your team would level the playing field. Everything Paula said came true. We are extremely satisfied with our decision…As a result of all your fine efforts, we’re now able to rebuild our apartment building how we want to, to our specifications and tastes; not to our insurance carrier’s. In doing this, we can now build nicer apartments, obtain the type of new tenants we want, which means we can now increase the amount of rent we can now charge.

Your dealings with Allstate and California Fairplan always struck me as at once smooth and tough, charming and knowledgeable. And you got results: we ended up with much more money than we would have without you.

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