All Testimonials

I want you to know that I’m a typical American home-owner, never had a loss in over 50 years of premium paying, and what a terrific blessing it was to hook up with your organization! Helpless in despair, really not thinking clearly, AIPNW came my way and I resisted contracting with your firm for a time, believing I could go “head to head” with a huge insurance cartel…silly, unarmed guy! Please, use my recommendation to encourage the haughty to consider how truly “David versus Goliath” the claim settlement process is. In such possibly nasty negotiations, the endless cataloguing of every item I owned, how could I have thought I could do it better than you people who take a modest slice to accomplish so much for the ill-equipped?

We are in the Hotel business, not the fire loss business. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is. What they do all day everyday is work with insurance companies and due to their fee structure, it is their best interest to make the settlement offer as large a number as possible. Once the process began, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International kept us informed as to progress, had lengthy conversations with the insurance company, produced a steady flow of documents for payment, and ended up in the final negotiation with the insurance company for a win-win for our company and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International...It's no fun hassling directly with an insurance company, you've had enough troubles, you don't need more.

I offer you my sincere gratitude and thanks for representing our interests so diligently…Throughout the difficult process…you kept a clear focus on all of the tasks necessary to succeed. I thank you for your diligence and professionalism.

Epstein & Associates Realty, Inc.

In spite of 3rd rated insurance company's deliberate delay and ignorance, your persistency finally paid off and we are satisfied with the claim.

Restaurant Golf

After the shock wore off the enormity of rebuilding and replacing all that we owned was overwhelming. I learned throughout this process that as nice as the insurance adjustor is their job is to pay as little as possible for the loss...I can honestly say that without your help I would have suffered a devastating financial loss as well as a devastating personal loss. You and your staff worked very hard on my claim. You did things to increase the amount of the claim payment from the insurance company that I would have had no knowledge even existed. On a personal level you were understanding and supportive of the emotional impact this was having on me and my children.

Working with you was a pleasure and your professionalism was paramount in concluding a difficult negotiating process. Without your help and assistance, I would not be confident that we would have brought the matter to a successful resolution.

Over all, you were a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel.

Boyd’s Wholesale Meats

They approached the whole process in a professional and aggressive manner allowing us to rebuild our business in a timely manner and obtain the remuneration we were due in our insurance policy.

Pacific City Builders Supply
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