All Testimonials

Without your guidance and expertise, we could not have successfully met the challenges and requirements encountered with our insurers. Our decision to retain The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International proved to be one of the better business decisions we have made. It is certain that the benefits created by your supervision of our insurance claim far outweighed the costs of your services. Further, there is little doubt that the unique knowledge and skill brought by you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International could not be obtained elsewhere."

"Our property, Fashion Square Sherman Oaks suffered severe damage - running into tens of millions of dollars - during the Northridge Earthquake on January 17, 1994... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International does not come cheap, but in the final analysis they earned their fee many times over by successfully negotiating with the insurance companies resulting in the insurers paying over and above what one could hope to collect.

David Z. Burger AM, President
Fashion Square Sherman Oaks

Your familiarity with insurance procedures, wide network of acquaintances in the industry, personal integrity and willingness to work with all four of us has been critical in making this process successful for all…When we had questions, whether legal or otherwise, you found answers. When we needed more information, you got it. There is no doubt that our ability to rebuild our house is due to your hard work in securing a fair settlement…Any relationship includes stresses, disagreements, and frustrations, especially in difficult circumstances; certainly we had our share. But it is to your credit that you 'hung in there' to see this through to completion, all the while continuing to explain to us how these things work and trying to find ways to make the outcome acceptable to all…Your assistance was invaluable, and we thank you for it.

Peggy Bruggman & G.J. Scove

You and your staff…handled our claim against the insurance company in a competent and professional manner. Without your help, we do not feel this could have been accomplished.

Ina's 14 Karat Shop

While never giving us false hope, you offered us brilliant solutions, safe advice, and much needed reassurance. Your fairness and honesty is seen in everything you do. You are a dazzling negotiator and we were extremely happy and fortunate to have you on our side.

Within hours of retaining your firm your staff of construction consultants were on site to help us quantify the extent of the damage and coordinate agreement of the emergency measures underway with our insurer… You successfully negotiated generous repair and cleaning allowances for the machinery that was exposed to the effects of the explosion and weather to reduce and eliminate the risk of potential future problems such as corrosion and keep manufacturer’s warranties intact… Through a thorough review of our operations and financial claim, your team of internal forensic accountants successfully identified and demonstrated this loss by developing a model that measured and supported that loss of opportunity and allowed us to recover appropriately. Your work allowed for measurement and compensation for our true cost of our loss of income… Your expert interpretation of the policy language to identify the available coverage and ensure all covered aspects of the loss were investigated and made part of the claim if appropriate. Your personnel dealt professionally with the insurance company and their plethora of hired experts, which clearly helped to secure settlement that was fair for all involved.

Director of Risk Management
York International Corporation

It is very rare when one is able to work with someone who is as detailed and professional as you and your firm…I am sure we would not have been as successful as you have been in obtaining fair and equitable compensation from our insurance carrier.

FM Wholesale Quality Meats

…Looking back, we would not have been able to deal with all the ins and outs of handling many aspects of our fire loss settlement on our own.…Additional damage was claimed and paid in full by the Farmers in the amount of $114,379.15, which represented additional fifty percent of the initial amount of $222,064.37.

Arnie was as kind and patient as he was generous with his time. He came to site visits and Board meetings willingly and cheerfully, as needed. He patiently explained our rights and limitations in terms we laymen could understand. Arnie interceded effectively for us at every juncture.

Vista Bahia Condominium Owners
1616 of 2430