All Testimonials

On September 15, 2014, our family home burned to the ground. It’s hard to fathom and doesn’t really begin to sink in until you notify your insurance company. Your head spins and you’re not sure where to begin. The professionalism by all The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was truly appreciated!

At first, I had intended to handle the loss by myself, using our employees. What a mistake that would have been! Luckily, it soon became evident that we had neither the expertise nor the time to effectively handle the loss while continuing to run a business…Your pledge when you approached me was that you would personally 'sift through the rubble' to evaluate the damage from the explosion. This you did, in a manner of speaking, throughout the entire process. Your tirelessness was admirable. Your services invaluable.

Shadowdale Elevators, Inc.

We are especially thankful for your untiring ability to stand up to the State Farm people who were trying to force-feed us a settlement that was not in keeping with what you and we thought was a fair settlement offer.

Oakwood Condominium Home Owners

…I have learned very many things during this process and owe it all to you. The entire claims process was much more difficult than I ever imagined. It would not have been possible to achieve the results we got had it not been for The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International and you. …Throughout the claim, you kept me informed of everything and offered up options we did not know we had available.

World Auto Parts Inc.

You enabled us to reach an optimal settlement with our insurance company related to the 7/05 arson fire of our apartment building in Studio City. Your communication with me was excellent and I felt confident that you were on top of the situation from the beginning.

Our main problem was the shutdown of the Guam International Airport. Even if LSG was capable of servicing the planes, no airline was allowed to fly in until the runway and other critical navigational equipment was repaired. It would not be until ten (10) days after the typhoon for the airport to resume operations. During that time, LSG'S revenue loss was significant. In reviewing our real property, stock and business interruption policies, we concluded that any reimbursement would be minimal. We employed the services of Adjusters International. The team of Paul Migdal and Gary Johnson came in and with their combined expertise and diligence in resolving the many complicated issues, the insurance companies offered a much greater settlement than originally expected.

Michell D. Ramos, Manager, Finance &
LSG Sky Chefs

Most importantly, Apartment & Condominium Concepts Unlimited, Inc. has recovered more insurance money for their clients through the efforts of Adjusters International than we ever would have been able to collect had we tried to adjust the claims ourselves through the Adjusters of the individual insurance carriers. The time which your personnel have spent with my Property Managers in dealing with very sensitive issues has been greatly appreciated.

Apartment & Condominium Concepts
Unlimited, Inc.

Your knowledge of the insurance industry helped ease the burden of this tragic loss and your thoroughness insured my receiving full compensation. Your adjusters provided us with the necessary 'tools' needed for quick and professional recovery.

J&R Film Company, Inc.
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