All Testimonials

I can say without reservation that without The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, I would have been lost. For-profit insurance carriers have a mandate to keep costs low for the benefit of shareholders. They are not committed to the interests of premium payers. They have created a world that is impenetrable to the average policyholder. You will need help, and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International will do the job for you.

When Park hotel on Folsom Street suffered a devastating fire, I felt like the dreams that my father had worked all his life to pass on to his children just went up in smoke…I knew right away that there were going to be problems with the so called independent adjusters from McLarens Young. I did not feel that they were independent at all. It was clear to me that all they wanted to do was protect the insurance company…You did an amazing job…You got me my policy limits without application of any coinsurance penalties or deductions for depreciation. I happily paid your contingency fees as the return on the investment was well-worth it.

Park Hotel San Francisco

You provided a great service by analyzing, assembling and presenting our claim and obtaining a settlement that exceeded our expectations. We look back now at all the time we spent trying to negotiate with no success and wish we had only known about your services sooner. With your help we were able to settle the claim for 350% more than the insurance company was initially offering. We only wish we would have hired you right away as we could have avoided nearly a year of work and frustration!

FPFZ Properties

Your assistance and the competence of your Company relieved us of a tremendous amount of heartache at a time when our lives were in a state of chaos.

Walsh Construction Co., Inc.

Thanks to you, my settlement was more than what I would have received if I was representing myself. You discovered losses, that I had, which I was not aware of. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is made up of the most sophisticated, intellectual, experienced and highly motivated professional people that I have ever worked with.

John Markowski

I was quick to understand that I did not have the tools to understand and expedite the process. Adjusters International has the tools to make the claim in your favor and not the insurance companies.

Engles Furniture

You delivered a great result, and in the process you were superbly professional and always a gentleman.

The settlement and our experiences with you, demonstrate that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International places its client's interests ahead of all others. Furthermore, your expertise and experience as adjusters of losses for the Insured has been an invaluable asset to us in our insurance claim.

Peter A. Zwichorowski, Esq.
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