All Testimonials

You and your company have done an outstanding job in assisting me with my multi-million dollar fire claims. Your expertise, aggressive approach, and results have exceeded my expectations, and I am very appreciative.

Myron Zimmerman
1330 Broadway Company

It has been a pleasure working with you on this matter, and I doubt that we could have accomplished the satisfactory results without you.

Egerman, Brown & Rosen

Even though I consider myself a prudent Risk Manager, there are so many details that you thought of that we didn't. Your calculation of the business interruption portion of our loss was by far more accurate and advantageous to our bottom line than any number our accounting department came up with…I was especially appreciative of the manner in which you negotiated with the insurance company adjuster. As you know, we have an ongoing relationship with our carriers, and rather than creating an adversarial relationship with Kemper's adjuster, you immediately initiated a 'team' concept, which certainly inured to our benefit.

Nola Grayback, Risk Manager
Rickel Home Centers

...I feel like I’m broke to lead now, I kept telling you how to settle the claim, and you just kept doing what you knew to be best until I eventually fell into step. Good job!

Courtright Enterprises, Inc.

Your expertise allowed me to continue to run my business and take care of my other rental properties while you took care of the fire and all the problems with the insurance company. Because of you I was able to get everything paid and my new store rebuilt with a minimum of upset. I have no doubt that with your help, we got more money. Your fee was definitely worth it. And I got to do what I do best…make tortillas and you did what you do best - make your customers money.

Aranda's Tortilla Company, Inc.

I work as a Restaurant Consultant, and am accustomed to working in a collaborative fashion, and found working with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International extremely easy. At all times I felt that I was the one who was making the decisions, with the assistance of very knowledgeable personal advocat... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International spent countless hours educating me so that I could make decisions that enabled me to recover every penny that was possible under my insurance policy, and I do believe that I recovered every penny possible…The aftermath of a home fire are very destructive on a family, being displaced, having none of your comfort items, losing your treasured pets, making decisions while still in shock, and then dealing with an insurance company that truly puts their bottom line before your recovery, causing daily stresses that take an unimaginable toll on the emotional health of your family. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was available night and day to help us, they were our advocates at all times, always educating us as to our available options, with a seasoned distance that enabled us to weather the worst time of our life and to make decisions that were in my family's best interests, not the insurance company's. I am known to be cost conscious and a skilled business person and I can state without doubt that the fees The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International charged were earned many, many times over. Without them I know that I would never have received the settlement that they were responsible for in the time period that they achieved.

…as our claim moved forward with State Farm Insurance, it became clear to us that we were in over our heads and in desperate need of some assistance…the team at The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International had the expertise to maximize the recovery of our destroyed personal property items. There is no doubt in our minds that we had underestimated the time it has taken to resolve the claims portion we are handling ourselves. In respect, I wish we had hired The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International to handle our entire claim.

You promptly inventoried our losses at your expense. The engineers and contractors who you hired gave their estimates promptly enabling you to produce documents proving the extent of our losses…Thank you again for bringing what would have been an impossible task to a quick and smooth conclusion…And then doing more.

Linda Rush & William A. Rush, M.D., F.A.C.S
The Good Samaritan Medical Group
1704 of 2430