All Testimonials

As business owners and professionals for the previous 50 years, we understand the importance of having an advocate on your side. Although we are well versed in nearly all aspects of business, preparing a multi-million dollar insurance claim was not something we were prepared to do. After our initial meeting with Gordon Scott, it was clear that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was the right choice! Gordon expertly explained how The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team of professionals would promptly work to maximize our claim and ensure an equal playing field with the insurance company. After receiving the initial claim, the insurance company offered to pay only 60% of the claimed damages. With The Greenspan Co./Adjuster International level of expertise, knowledge of the policy provisions and attention to detail, we received an additional $850,000, and were able to begin making repairs to the building. All else being equal we are convinced that had we tried to “go it alone,” we would never have achieved the same results and likely never have rebuilt.

We are a cautious group of homeowners, very thorough and deliberate. It took us some time to make up our minds but in retrospect the decision to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to represent us was one of the best choices we have made over the years...The claim presented to State Farm was realistic and was supported by the evidence gathered and accumulated. The insurance company adjuster had to have been impressed by its quality and completeness, as was every one of our Directors...Even after paying The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International its fee, we are convinced that had we not retained your services, we still would have never received a net settlement anywhere close to what Arnie was able to obtain for us. Your company was worth every penny that we paid you.

Westholme Executive Townhomes

As a non-profit organization, we were not prepared for the aftermath of a fire such as our building suffered in January of this year. If it had not been for your company, we might still be puzzling over how to inventory the losses and submit the claims. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International helped turn a disaster into a reasonable and manageable situation.

The Wellness Community-Westside

Though initially employed one year after the earthquake solely to prepare our business interruption claim, you suggested following your review of our insurance file that the measure of loss calculated on our building claim by our insurer was far less than what we were entitled to collect. We agreed to allow you to discuss the situation with our insurer which ultimately resulted in substantial dollars in excess of their previous loss calculation. Along with your excellent settlement on the business interruption claim, we could not have been happier. When we experienced our severe fire in Los Angeles, you responded on an expedite basis and, with the assistance and involvement of your Los Angeles office, gave us immediate and necessary advice as to inventory techniques, salvage agreements, emergency protection, building estimators, etc. that allowed our claim to be processed promptly and, ultimately, have our store reopen faster than initially expected. The dollar results of the adjustment were equally favorable to your previous representation of our firm, and, if need be, we would not hesitate to utilize your services in the future.

The National Dollar Stores, Ltd.

Your expertise in deftly navigating the insurance claims process was key to attaining the maximum recovery at our policy limits. From our first meeting…through the arduous loss adjustment, to the final claims settlement, your commitment, integrity and dedication to take care of every detail comforted us. If we had attempted to negotiate the claim ourselves, we believe that due to our lack of expertise, personnel and time resources, we would have been offered only a tepid settlement offer, and additionally be buried under the labyrinth of process and administration. The results of your efforts speak louder than words and in business terms, you 'delivered the goods' as you committed when you promised.

864 Ellis Street LLC

…When this total loss occurred, to my mother’s home of nearly 50 years, we knew we were faced with some daunting decisions, and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International made the process much easier and understanding. …You helped us so that our claim was maximized, but we ere able to do so without having to rebuild the home from the ground up. …you assisted us in the painstaking process of re-creating an inventory of thousands of individual items in the home, for purposes of maximizing our claim.…With Bruce’s knowledge and help, I was able to obtain a cash settlement regarding my mother’s living expenses allowing her the comfort to determine how and where she wished to reside.…Bruce met with the insurance company and convinced them that is was to their and our benefit to effect a global settlement on all coverage’s without having to rebuild my mother’s home. These efforts secured a substantial settlement for my mother allowing her to move on with her life....Without the tenacious efforts on the part of The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International, we would not have been able to accomplish the above.

Our loss was quite large and the claim quite complex. From the date of their retention... until our recent receipt of a substantial settlement, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team-led by Gary Johnson and joined by Gordon Scott, Steve Severaid and Paul Migdal-treated the Sherwood Resort Guam as if it were their sole client. They invested an immeasurable amount of time and effort on site as well as in foreign lands. At all times, these professionals conducted themselves with extreme diligence and absolute integrity and professionalism... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team never wavered in its conviction that our loss was well in excess of that being postulated by the insurance carrier. With extreme determination, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team acted as our advocate and was able to secure the settlement that the Sherwood Resort Guam was entitled to... We consider the fee paid to them to be a bargain in the true sense of the word. If their fee was many times the amount paid, we would still consider them to be one of the best investments the Sherwood Resort Guam has made.

Peter Lin, General Manager

When my apartment building suffered major damage, I thought my insurance company would be there “like a good neighbor.” Unfortunately this was not the case. The insurance company's adjuster's job is to minimize loss to the insurance company. I signed on with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and have had no regrets. I am extremely happy with the service Brian Molineaux has provided me. He has been very thorough and has left no burnt beam unturned. His work allowed me to do what I do best... property management.

Prime Property Management
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