All Testimonials

...that the negotiating skills I had developed in thirty five years of City Management and my post-retirement training in mediation and dispute resolution at Pepperdine Law School would enable us to obtain the settlement to which we were entitled. After several months of frustration I realized that my lack of knowledge regarding insurance policy interpretation and claim processing suggested that I needed professional assistance. I have estimated that the total award exceeded what we could have achieved on our own - more than $650,000.00. Equally important to us was the peace of mind we felt knowing that our claim was being pursued vigorously and professionally. It is hard to describe how much that helped bring order to our lives during a time that was stressful and chaotic. Relieving us of that burden and the manner in which your staff kept us informed and assured that things were going to work out well contributed greatly to our mental health and outlook during those difficult times...

Until I experienced, firsthand, a devastating fire loss, I could not have imagined the bewilderment and confusion of such a catastrophe. I realize now that one cannot adequately prepare himself to thread through the technical maze of assessing damage, protecting oneself from liability, dealing with governmental and jurisdictional agencies, and negotiating knowledgeably with insurance company adjusters. Because of personal involvement it would have been practically impossible for me, acting alone, to set upon a logical course of action and pursue it rationally and objectively. I was fortunate in such a situation to fall into the hands of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, Loss Adjusters. I found them to be highly professional and unfailingly responsive in the discharge of their fiduciary duties. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International inspired confidence, and I always felt they truly represented my best interests. They greatly simplified the entire claims and subsequent reconstruction processes.

Lum's Bush Street Apartments

Your expertise provided us with the leverage to negotiate a settlement that was financially very beneficial to us…Your answers to my many questions and knowledge of the process were invaluable in settling the claim…I appreciate the way you took care of all the details for us and the impressive mountain of paperwork you created to substantiate our claim.

I cannot thank you enough for the results you got for me and also the short time it took you to achieve the wonderful results. Through your knowledge and creativity, you were not only able to get me a very good return for the damage, you were able to get the insurance company to allow me to keep the stock. This allowed me to have a successful sale and keep the doors open…The settlement you achieved for me was the most favorable for all concerned.

...I am glad we brought you on our recovery team. Without you we would not have been able to maximize our building, contents and business interruption loss.…Your fees were well worth it.

Interior Solutions, Inc.

I want to thank you on behalf of Aurora Systems and the Chyron Group for your absolutely dedicated and professional representation in settling our recent insurance claim. Your advice and counsel was of the highest quality. Your dealings with me and my staff were consistently straightforward and timely. Your CPA demonstrated a complete understanding of the issues involved coupled with a no-nonsense approach in assembling all of the facts and data necessary to present the strongest possible position for Aurora. It is my firm belief that we would not have done nearly as well as we did without your advocacy and knowledge.

W. Tom Beams, President/Chief Executive

Your expertise in knowing of what to look for and understanding our policy really helped us to get a great and just settlement. I really would not have even known what to claim without your guidance. There was no doubt that your team’s extensive knowledge and skill led to my successful recovery.

As you know, I started negotiating with their adjuster on my own after the loss occurred. That was perhaps the worst business decision I have ever made. I finally realized that I needed representation by someone who was an expert in insurance losses. By the time I engaged your services MSI had already had their own consulting engineer look at the building and had recommended a repair plan that was totally unacceptable. It took Adjusters International to undo that plan and negotiate the settlement to which we agreed. Based upon the offer to settle made by MSI before Adjusters International intervened and the one we finally accepted, the final settlement was nearly three times the original offer. Or to put it another way, I received an additional sum of money that was twelve times more than the fees Adjusters International charged me. That was a good investment!

Lancaster Co.
1736 of 2430