All Testimonials

...I feel like I’m broke to lead now, I kept telling you how to settle the claim, and you just kept doing what you knew to be best until I eventually fell into step. Good job!

Courtright Enterprises, Inc.

Jessica was there for us 24/7 to help us get through this rough time in our lives.

If you ask us, the expertise and knowledge of individuals such as Clay Gibson and Kenneth Crown at The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International is invaluable to anyone who’s experienced a loss. Your fees were fair and worth every penny.

“At once, Paul Migdal and Chris Glenister took over virtually every aspect of our claim-reviewing our policies, attending meetings with Insurance Company representatives and quantifying both our actual and potential losses. Their actions allowed us to concentrate on our business rather than the logistics of filing and negotiating an insurance claim…Our losses were quite large and our claims very complex. Naturally, our Insurance Company minimized the extent of our losses. Paul and Chris invested an immeasurable amount of time and effort in 2011, on our behalf, and at all times conducted themselves with extreme diligence, integrity and absolute professionalism. Without the assistance and guidance of these professionals, we are sure that we would never have received a fair settlement…Having gone through this grueling experience, we are confident that no company should ever attempt to handle their own claim and be without the benefit of expertise of The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International Team.”

Pacific Southwest Container

During our preliminary meeting you explained the problems that could arise from this claim (and they certainly did). We know now that without your expertise this corporation would not have survived the insurance company. We were extremely impressed with your professionalism, your expertise, and knowledge regarding the workings of insurance claims. Frankly, without you, we would have been taken for the proverbial 'ride' by the insurance company.

Iconoclast, Inc.

You have my deep appreciation for the professional and expeditious manner in which you and your staff handled the complicated matter of the fire loss on my home.

“…thank you for the wonderful job you performed in the adjustment of our property loss on Judah Street.”

“We are now in a position to have available funds to redevelop the adjoining properties we own at the site. None of this would have resulted without your and The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International’s expertise.”

Skyline Realty Incorporated

As the old adage goes, a company is only as good as its people. From the inception, Bill Greenspan took the lead in selecting a professional team of experts from within his company to evaluate and nitpick our insurance policy, prepare detailed inventory of business and personal property and retained a construction consultant to establish the scope of work and assist in determining the cost of the physical rehabilitation of the fire damaged structure. It would be naïve to assume that the insurance carrier has its client's best interest at heart and is prepared to offer him the optimum settlement for his loss. You need someone like Bill Greenspan and his team of experts on your side to pull for you, to prepare, present and negotiate your claim.

Helmut Jaki, President
Contech Consultants, Inc.
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