All Testimonials

Our San Francisco restaurant in Presidio Heights recently had a really bad fire. I was referred to you by Sean Elsbernd, the Chief of Staff for Senator Feinstein, to help us with our insurance claim. Through your efforts we achieved a favorable resolution. Thank you for your diligent efforts.

I firmly believe that both our financial and emotional recovery from that tragedy is due in no small part to your heroic efforts to ensure a fair settlement from our insurance company. I am convinced of two things. Had we negotiated our own settlement, we would not have recovered the true costs of rebuilding/replacing our home. I also believe that had my husband and I been in on the direct negotiations with Safeco our emotional distress and overall stress would have escalated and prevented our emotional healing. Having confidence in your expertise allowed us to pick up our pre-fire lives and start to rebuild our 'home.

Joan Tanzer

As you know, I was extremely skeptical as to our need for your services when we first met. The insurance company, through their adjuster, had said many of the things I wanted to hear and seemed very cooperative. Clearly…we, as a homeowners association negotiating on our own behalf, would never have reached the settlement we did without your guidance and professional assistance.

James R. Bell

After the shock wore off the enormity of rebuilding and replacing all that we owned was overwhelming. I learned throughout this process that as nice as the insurance adjustor is their job is to pay as little as possible for the loss...I can honestly say that without your help I would have suffered a devastating financial loss as well as a devastating personal loss. You and your staff worked very hard on my claim. You did things to increase the amount of the claim payment from the insurance company that I would have had no knowledge even existed. On a personal level you were understanding and supportive of the emotional impact this was having on me and my children.

Through your calm and very professional handling of the various issues we were finally paid eight times the insurance company's original offer for our building damage and furniture and yard goods loss.


We got paid on Friday, and I guess there was still a little bit of doubt in the back of my mind that something might go wrong up until the last minute, especially after seeing how Royal and their ace attorney acted throughout the entire adventure. But, now that is all behind us and it is finally over. We were all impressed by your work and we know that we could have not have finished this claim without you.

Orca Bay Seafoods

I was overwhelmed with emotion and fear upon seeing my factory in ruins. I had heard horror stories of doom in such instances and was sure we would not come out whole. The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International was able to represent us in our dealings with the adjusters, claims people, fire marshals, contractors and salvage people. The experienced aggressive businesslike approach used by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International increased the amount we would have recovered on our own. It is rare to have people perform up to your expectations. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International exceeded our hopes.

Bonded Motor & Parts Co.

In reflecting what would have been but for the involvement of you and your firm in helping us with our fire loss, I shudder at the prospect. Although the insurance company and my broker told me I had nothing to worry about, their actions proved that I most certainly did…Your tenacity, skill, and superior knowledge of your trade allowed me to recover from my losses with a minimum of involvement in the claims adjustment. Fortunately, your efforts allowed me to focus on reestablishing my business and making plans for the future.

Peters Market
1768 of 2430