All Testimonials

On behalf of General Cigar I want to thank you for your comprehensive and diligent work in helping us settle our insurance claims covering the assets destroyed in the…fire…Especially difficult was the seed claim recovery where a great deal of analysis and persistence was required for this valuable asset.

General Cigar Holdings, Inc.

Unfortunately, we all have some basic faith that since we have always paid our premiums on time and in good faith, that when we called upon our policy it would, in fact, act with the same integrity. Please be advised, this is not always the case. If my husband and I had not retained The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to adjudicate and settle our claim, we would have lost tens of thousands of dollars... The Greenspan Co/Adjusters International has an incredible staff that brings a level of expertise and honesty that is often hard to find. They are extremely knowledgeable on all facets of claim management and analyzing policies for maximum reimbursements.

Time and again you had the creative solution, the tough negotiating point, or the quick response necessary to keep our insurance claim on track with the insurance adjusters. I am convinced that without your unflagging enthusiasm for this claim we would not have settled as quickly, nor for as much as we ultimately did.

The Pillsbury Company

Standard Management Company operates a portfolio of approximately $300,000,000 of income property located throughout the United States, including apartments, mobile home parks, shopping centers, office buildings, and industrial property. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International of Los Angeles, California, independent insurance adjusters, has represented us in a number of claims over 30 years. In our experience The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is competent and well informed and provides a valuable service to insurers who desire independent representation in claims for casualty losses.

Standard Management Co.

We never thought of hiring a public adjusting firm because we considered ourselves well-educated, capable people who could handle our problems ourselves... After spending a lot of wasted energy with our insurance company, we learned about The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. In reading the letters of recommendation from their clients, we immediately knew that something was different about this company-the recommendations seemed to come from the heart... The settlement was 60% higher than what we had been able to negotiate, even with the guaranteed replacement coverage! Bill is a dedicated, knowledgeable, and tenacious professional, with the utmost integrity. He has a strong command of detailed cost statistics and a good feel for the big picture. He also has a good sense of humor and a positive attitude, which was essential to our well-being in the most frustrating of circumstances. We could not have hoped for a better public adjuster. His time was worth every penny.

Mark J. Rubash and Melanie L. Hills

We are very pleased with the settlement you negotiated for us and the expeditious way in which this matter was handled.

Prestige Property Management, Inc.

In today's business environment it is extremely important that when you procure the services of a company to expedite matters with respect to insurance, that the company act fast. Your company went above and beyond, with its handling of my claim.

Gallanis Enterprises Inc.

I also want to thank your staff for assisting us in putting together our total loss personal property claim and evaluating the true replacement cost for our damaged home. It is not easy to recreate all of the personal effects one accumulates in a home over a 20-year timeframe.

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