All Testimonials

After all, why would any insurance company want to pay me more money, rather than less money? It just seemed logical that the insurance company’s interests and my interests were not the same…Today I look back and I am certain about many things. No one should attempt to negotiate with an insurance company without the help of Adjusters International. The fee that I paid for your services was small in comparison to the benefit that you added. I look at the money I paid you as an investment, not a cost. And…as a general contractor, I am familiar with construction costs and processes. You guys hit it out of the park.

Bridge West Apartments

I particularly enjoyed your ability to coordinate and work with legal counsel. You and the other members of your firm that I dealt with were professional and exhibited a genuine interest in the concerns of your client. Your assistance greatly contributed to the successful handling of this very difficult claim.

From the day of the fire, your staff has shown again and again the professionalism and sensitivity upon which your fine reputation is built... You and Shellie Landa have exhibited the highest standards of accuracy, acumen and trust throughout the long, difficult process since then. One assumes that your insurance company is on your side; thank God for people like The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International since this is far from the truth. I feel very strongly that first, we would not have been able to handle the necessary details due to lack of experience and emotional distress. Secondly, I am confident that you were able to negotiate the maximum settlements for us, particularly the loss of income portions. Last, but certainly not least, all our dealings have been tempered with a unique sense of trust and true friendship so rarely found in today's business world.

All that Jazz - Gifts, Paper, Cards

After a discussion with my lawyer, I decided to secure the services that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International offered…Many things were discovered by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International that were missed by the initial estimate and provided to me by my insurance company. Most of these were ode improvements and structural issues that had not been addressed in my initial estimate for covered costs. After much contact between myself and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, the figure that was arrived at as to bring my home back to livable and legal, was almost 100K above the original estimate had been provided to me from my insurance company.

It was our good fortune to have been directed to you at the time of the tragic fire and it was gratifying, to say the least, to be able to turn to you and your outstanding staff to help us untangle the overwhelming problems with which we were faced.

George Industries

When we had our devastating loss…I was very skeptical about hiring an adjuster to represent us. That skepticism quickly disappeared and without the help of you and your associates several things would have happened. The claim would not have been settled as rapidly as it was; we would not have received the prepayment that was much needed to replace our inventory; and lastly, we would not have received anywhere near the amount that was due to us.

Purity Bakery Ltd.

Having dealt with the insurance companies as President of an oil company, I knew how difficult they can make the process. Because of your expert knowledge and experience dealing with insurance companies, you were able to get as much as possible from our claim…Thank you for your hard work, compassion, honesty, and integrity in handling our claim. Furthermore, I also thank your staff for a fantastic job well done!

Prior to my hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, my insurance company offered a settlement of my claim for about $96,000 (including loss of rent). With the fine expertise of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International adjuster the claim was settled. I rightfully collected just over $267,000, an amount truly reflective of actual damage, and almost three times the amount of what my insurance company offered me.

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