All Testimonials

Pizza Hut of San Diego, Inc. appreciates the efforts and professionalism demonstrated by yourself and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Pizza Hut believes it has received a fair and accurate settlement in a timely manner, primarily due to your factual investigation and persistence.

Mike Dobrota, Director of Real Estate
Pizza Hut

...The dark clouds of uncertainty were replaced by a guiding light.

The Boles fire in September 2014 is one I’ll never forget. It was the most horrible thing to ever hit Weed, CA. Over 100 homes and buildings were lost in this fire. You and your team took so much pressure off of me and my family. Your persistence with our insurance company in getting them to understand the quality of our home, its surroundings, and the items they missed in their evaluation resulted in us getting our policy limits paid. As a Police Sergeant, I was already a busy man and knew I would need the help of professionals. By retaining The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s services, they were able to maximize my recovery. I couldn’t be happier!

Your work in pursuit of their insurance claim was thorough, efficient and obtained favorable results for the Association. Your knowledge of items to look for in this hail claim was most useful.

Professional Management Associates, Inc.

...Having your company put together our personal property inventory in such an organized and simple fashion allowed myself and my family to deal with other thing that were more important.

Looking back, it seems like we went through a baptism of fire, trying to get a fair settlement from Republic. But personally, through it all, I hung on to you, knowing in the end you would win the battle for me. And you did…You are an expert and a professional-and I thank you and appreciate your never-ending drive and determination to help me get the best settlement possible.

From the very first meeting you were able to be our voice in the claims process. We saw you in action and were impressed. Despite the aggressive nature of the insurance company you were able to overcome their positions with professionalism and confidence. We know we would not have had the same experience had we decided to go it alone.

Capstone Asset Management

In hindsight, retaining your company to serve as adjusters was a great decision. I am an attorney with both commercial construction and insurance litigation experience. However, I soon discovered that my legal knowledge was no substitute for your company’s specialized expertise and practical experience with the myriad of insurance issues that arise following a major residential fire. I am confident that you achieved a better financial result than I would have achieved on my own, or working solely with a contractor.

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