All Testimonials

We just didn't know what to do or where to begin. We were apprehensive of using your Company's services because we had no idea what a Public Insurance Adjuster was. On the other hand, trying to clean up the shop (a soggy disaster area), keep the business operating and handle the insurance claim ourselves, was a grim prospect. Choosing to use your services, however, was the best choice we ever made. Your fee was well earned by your thorough presentation and very satisfactory settlement with our Insurance Company. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International not only took over the job of inventory and organization, but also handled everything regarding the insurance claim, relieving us of those responsibilities so we could continue our printing operation. In addition, through your experience and expertise, you recovered a large loss of income settlement when we were sure, after talking with the Company Adjuster, that no business interruption would be payable under our policy.

Boardman Print Center

I can not thank you enough for making this so much easier.

Immediately, you and your experienced team of adjusters assumed control of preparing our claims. You visited our plants, learned our business methods, accumulated the necessary data, organized the information, submitted the claims to the insurance company and negotiated a settlement to our satisfaction. You and your team saved us time, aggravation and most importantly, money. Our company recognized its limitations and chose to defer to those with greater expertise in processing insurance claims.

Gleason Corporation

Your advice in the preparation of our property claim and business interruption claim and in the negotiations with the Insurance Company's accountants and adjusters was most beneficial to us in obtaining a very satisfactory indemnification for our damages.

I think one year to get the money-far, far more than we had ever hoped for-says two things:
1) You are a genius;
2) You are a tenacious genius who kept fighting, even after I had pretty much given up hope, to get Farmers to pay every single penny we had coming to us.
And you got them to do it. I guess the bottom line is that when we met for the first time, and you said, 'This is the situation and this is what we can do for you,' you did everything you said you would-and more. I admired your professionalism as Farmers employed their delaying tactics and lies. Had I had to deal with them personally, I would have eventually either succumbed to stress or brought in lawyers, who would have taken everything Farmers owed us. I figure that even after paying The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International its commission, we still came out at least $40,000 more than we would have without you-plus the fact that you, not I, spent the hours and hours and hours documenting the claim, pointing out to them where they still owed us money, and dealing on a day-to-day basis with people who were at best, ignorant and at worst, dishonest.

My area of specialty is in dentistry, not in dealing with insurance companies. Insurance companies are in the business to make money, not to help out the Insured. Your knowledge, help, caring and expertise in adjusting the losses, both property and business interruption far surpassed my expectations.

Certainly the tragedy of the World Trade Center explosion will remain etched in our memories forever. We can, however, take pride in the united response of hundreds of people which enabled the complex to be reopened in record time and reconstructed on an expedited schedule. At the same time, as you well know, we were involved in a long, sometimes agonizing process of pursuing settlement activities with insurers. Without your help, and the help of many others…the settlement wouldn't have been concluded as successfully as it was.On behalf of The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, I would like to thank you for the expert advice you provided to me and my staff in our effort to bring the World Trade Center explosion insurance claim to closure. Your expertise and insight in this long and arduous negotiation were invaluable.

Following 9/11 I am very pleased that you will be awarded the James G. Hellmuth Unit Citation Award for your role on the World Trade Center Loss Recovery Team. Your team’s accomplishments clearly meet this criteria and it is with great pride that we bestow this honor on you.

Joseph J. Seymour, Executive Director
The Port Authority of NY & NJ

When my apartment building suffered major damage, I thought my insurance company would be there “like a good neighbor.” Unfortunately this was not the case. The insurance company's adjuster's job is to minimize loss to the insurance company. I signed on with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and have had no regrets. I am extremely happy with the service Brian Molineaux has provided me. He has been very thorough and has left no burnt beam unturned. His work allowed me to do what I do best... property management.

Prime Property Management
1800 of 2430