All Testimonials

Revere had struggled to carry out its own claim defense which was initially set at about $1.3 million. However, our insurance company found serious fault with our analysis and offered only a $500,000 settlement. At a loss for a next move, we brought in AI to assist in both our strategic thinking and data preparation and reviews. Together we prepared a virtually new claim approach and restarted negotiations with the adjusters for the insurance company. At its conclusion, the claim was settled for $1.592 million - more than $1 million higher than the insurance company's original settlement offer. Much of our success was due to…insightful strategic planning before negotiations, as well as relentlessly firm conviction in the face of the insurance company that we were right!

Revere Copper Products, Inc.

As the old adage goes, a company is only as good as its people. From the inception, Bill Greenspan took the lead in selecting a professional team of experts from within his company to evaluate and nitpick our insurance policy, prepare detailed inventory of business and personal property and retained a construction consultant to establish the scope of work and assist in determining the cost of the physical rehabilitation of the fire damaged structure. It would be naïve to assume that the insurance carrier has its client's best interest at heart and is prepared to offer him the optimum settlement for his loss. You need someone like Bill Greenspan and his team of experts on your side to pull for you, to prepare, present and negotiate your claim.

Helmut Jaki, President
Contech Consultants, Inc.

Arnie was able to recover money owed to me from State Farm Insurance that I could not have gotten back on my own...As the Founder and President of one of the largest footwear companies in the world - I know a great business when I see it.

From the first person I met, to the principal of the company who was my team leader, The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International went after our claim aggressively, professionally, and diligently, until we ended up with a settlement that exceeded all expectations.

D.R. Stephens & Company

...In the beginning we knew the $7,000.00 the insurance company was offering was not going to cover the damages.…You and Chris Glenister were always there for us and your hard work paid off when you recovered for us in excess of $1,300,000.00. We greatly appreciate your expert advice and the tenacity with which you negotiated to save our beloved restaurant.

Having tried to “go it alone” we took the advice of friends in the same position and placed ourselves in The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International’s capable hands. This turned out to be the best thing we could have done…I think that without your help we would still be negotiating with an insurance company that put on a progressively harder and less friendly face as time went on.

The team you assembled from The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International was spectacular…You fought the insurance company’s tactics of denying and delaying payments for items that were covered under the policy...Without your help I would not have recovered almost three times the amount originally offered by the insurance company...Your fee was money well spent.

Colonade Apartments

Standard Management Company operates a portfolio of approximately $300,000,000 of income property located throughout the United States, including apartments, mobile home parks, shopping centers, office buildings, and industrial property. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International of Los Angeles, California, independent insurance adjusters, has represented us in a number of claims over 30 years. In our experience The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is competent and well informed and provides a valuable service to insurers who desire independent representation in claims for casualty losses.

Standard Management Co.
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